

What kind of foods did nobles eat?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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12y ago

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They ate various fancy foods such as peacock meat, pork, grains

They drank wine in the side most of the time

Very high nobles got to have spices with their foods.

I hope this info helped.

Can you believe the other person wrote "beef and eggs?"

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14y ago
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13y ago

Me, a nobleman's wife, diet would include…… My diet consisted of a vast amount of grains, fish, vegetables, and fruits. I enjoyed beef and other red meats very much, but the common people could not afford them. The primary food of my diet was grain, because it could be used for many different purposes. Grains offered an endless supply of food to ancient Egyptians and could be stored easily in local community granaries. The grain could be used for making bread, pastries, and cakes. The breads would be flavored by adding honey, fruits, nuts, and oils to the dough before baking. Fruits and vegetables were a major part of my diet. They could also be grown all year around because of the hot climate and irrigation. The vegetables grown in ancient Egypt included leeks, onions, garlic, cucumbers, lettuce, cabbage, radishes, and raphanus. Onions and garlic were a major part of my diet because I believed they were especially good for my health. Cabbage was considered to be a delicacy, boiled and eaten before the rest of the meal. Green vegetables were often served with an oil and vinegar dressing to enhance the flavor. Few fruits could be grown in Egypt because of the hot arid climate, so the most popular fruit that did grow were grapes, figs, pomegranates, melons, and dates. Olives could not be grown and were imported for oil. The high classes, like myself, could have other fruits imported such as coconuts, peaches, cherries, and Pears, but the common people barely saw these fruits. Meat was eaten by the common people only on special occasions, because of the high price and scarceness of cattle. People in the high class, like myself, could afford to have meat with every meal, and did so. The different kinds of meat include beef, pork, geese, duck, various birds, sheep, and goats. Meat would be prepared in many different fashions like boiling for stew, roasting, salting, drying, and smoking. Honey was a great addition to the Egyptians diet, used for many different applications. It was commonly used as a substitute for sugar, and would be added to different breads and cakes to enhance their sweetness.

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9y ago

Renaissance nobles ate much better than the peasants/serfs/villagers. Their meals included peacock meat, bread, fresh fruits and vegetables, and many other hunted animals that the nobles themselves hunt.

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11y ago

They ate deer, turkey; assorted fruits, nuts; wild boars, and other expensive items.

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