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· The rich Romans used unusual foods to show off their money. The more unusual the more the guests were impressed!

· They served Boiled pigs udders.

· And roast Peacock.

· And Dormice stuffed with pine kernels.

· Poor Romans would eat simple things like porridge and bread.

· Poor Romans sometimes ate figs and olives!

· Poor Romans ate a sort of vegetable soup with lentils, turnips, onions and beans.

· They rarely ate meat. (Poor)

· They baked bread in the ashes of the fire.

· A sauce (Liquamen)- made from gone off fish guts!!!!! Very popular (was their favourite)

· In their kitchens the Romans would have containers of wine, olive oil, vinegar and Liquamen.

· Guests would eat lying on sofa's, picking the food up with their fingers. Then slaves would bring bowls of water so they could wash their hands.

· Rich Romans also ate snails, swans, crows and horses!!!

· At some of their feasts they would eat until they were sick and there would be a special room to go and be sick in. After that they'd come straight back and carry on eating!! How revolting is that?!?!


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If you are asking what the Romans served their food on, they generally used hand-made pottery. One kind that the wealthier people liked was called "terra sigillata," a fine red pottery with a glossy surface, which often had designs engraved onto the surface. Poorer people used a more coarsely made, and less fancy, kind of pottery. The Romans had cooking pots, serving plates, bowls, storage jars, and flasks for drinking. the very wealthiest people had utensils (like spoons and forks) made from silver or gold.

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Q: What kind of foods would a roman eat?
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What would the average roman eat for breakfast?

The average roman would eat his/her fair share of meat,grains, and dry bread.

What kind of food did they eat in roman Britain in Ad250?

rum,barley, they would eat everything made from wheat. Because thats all they had back then. Ex: cereal,bread,etc

What are foods jamaicans do not eat?

Foods that Jamacians do not eat- OOOO that's a tricky one well personally I think jamaicans don't eat sushi or any other Chinese or Japanese kind of food but that it! There might be other foods but I'm not quit sure

What would a roman man eat for dinner?

A Roman man would eat whatever he could afford for his dinner. A poor man would more than likely have a plate of beans sprinkled with oil and a glass of posca. A wealthier person would have meat and veggies and bread while the very wealthy would have eggs, a type of salad, meat, cheese, bread and fresh fruits or honey cakes for dessert along with a fine wine. Forget the exotic foods, such as peacock eggs, stuffed dormouse, flamingo tongue--these were reserved for special occasions and special banquets and not eaten as everyday foods.

What kind of food do Alabama people eat?

People from Alabama eat a wide range of foods, including anything from Chinese foods to Italian foods. Since we are in the South, we eat a lot of deep fried foods (fried chicken, for example) and drink a lot of sweet iced tea.

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