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Q: What kind of frog makes whistling sound at night?
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What is the sound of a frog?

The sound a frog makes is called a "Croak".

How do you tell a boy whistling tree frog from a girl whistling tree frog?

The males have purple spots on their underbelly

What makes a creaking sound?

a door a frog

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What sound does the blue dart frog make?

The blue dart frog (scientific name: Dendrobates azureus) makes a buzzing sound.

A male frog makes a low pitched sound when it is trying to attract a female frog in the spring?


What are Caxys?

Caxy is the ancient greek word for the sound a frog makes.

What frogs live in the Yarra River Australia?

The striped marsh frog, pobblebonk, whistling Verreau frog, brown tree frog, growling grass frog and the spotted marsh frog live in the Yarra River.

How does a Tree frog make its sound?

there is this tube that runs through their body and the tube goes from the mouth literally al the way down to the butt of the frog. and when frogs squeeze and release their butt cheeks it makes a vibrating motion that goes up the frogs tube called the (andilos) and forces a monotone sound to come out of the frog. that's where the "ribits" come from in a frog.

What does Keroro mean?

The name "Keroro" comes from the Japanese impression of the sound a frog makes, which is "kerokero."

What sound does a crane make?

One of the sounds a crane makes is like a low pitched frog croaking. The other sound it makes sounds like a group of sea gulls crying.

What species of frog is only found is Puerto Rico?

There is a small frog called the coqui it makes a noise that you can hear all over the Island at night