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Cuban tree frog

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Q: What kind of frogs is have a bumpy skin?
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What do frogs use as skin?

Frogs obviousl have skin. its just very very warty and bumpy :)

Do toads have bumpy skin and frogs not?

Correct. Frogs have smooth skin which is slippery and delicate, but toads have drier skin with warts.

Do tadpoles turn into toades or frogs?

Both u cant tell which they are until they grow up. Frogs have smoother skin.Toads have bumpier skin.

How is a frogs skin different than a toads skin?

A frog's skin is green, slimy and smooth, while a toads skin is brown, bumpy and warty.

Is the frogs skin smooth or bumpy?

A toad does not have smooth skin unlike a frog. Toads have very bumpy skin.

What is the difference between skin of toads and frogs?

The difference is a toad's skin is brown, bumpy and warty, while a frog's skin is green, slimy and smooth.

What kind of animals species breathe through their skin?


Why do cane toads have warts?

no they may have bumpy skin but they do not have warts they have bumpy skin to protect them from dry periods

What does the surface of toads and frogs look and feel like?

It completely depnds on the species, my pet frogs skin feels waxy, and a few wild frogs I've caught felt slimey, try giving more specific questions.

What does the surface of frogs and toads look like?

It depends on the species. Toads generally are bumpy and frogs are wet and moist.

What is the skin of toad?

Toad skin feel bumpy and moist.