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bar graph

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Q: What kind of graph and chart to use for birthday paradox science project?
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What is experiment in science?

It is a graph, chart, or pictures in a science project to prove that you did the project.

Does a science project have to have a chart or graph?

if you do you will have good impression on the person whom you are giving your project

How do you make an IVCDV chart for science?

That type of chart is useful in controlled experiments that need to display the independent variable (the ID), the constant (the C), and the dependent variable (the DV). It can be used to display statistical data gathered as part of a science project.

What is the order of the science project?

problem statement research/background info hypothesis materials procedures variables data chart results abstract application

What eats periphyton alge?

It eats things like, fish, specifically the Sailfin Molly. And if you are doing this for a science project/paper about the everglades fool chart, then good for you.

Can you give me a question using the word CHART?

what chart did u you use in the project

What is a timetable for a science project?

A timetable for science is a, more like a chart and it shows the gases and metals and shows you the short version of it E.G.Carbon Dioxide: CO2, Water: H2o, Gold:Au if i know what you are asking it is called a PERIODIC TABLE.

What do you need for a science project display?

On a Science Project Display (by display I mean board), you need your title (which is usually your question), Materials Listed, Hypothesis (Prediction), Background Research/Info, Data (Chart, Table, Graph, etc.), Procedures (in a step-by-step format), Conclusion, and Results. Hoped this helped!!! X)

Where can you get a IVCDV Chart for Science?

Ask your science teacher if she can get you one. Hope it helped(:

What is the advantages of a pert chart?

Advantages of a PERT chart is that it's a great mean for visualizing and communicating progress on projects. They usually help the Project Manager to better manage the project.

Which control chart used for track the rejection in the maintenance project when the bug arrival pattern is not constant?

P Chart.

Which graph do you make a line or bar graph when your science project is about which wrapping will keep the apple slice fresh from rooting?

You would use a bar chart. A line graph is for showing stuff like temperature.