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Try to give him oatmeal, Letti's, carets, and fruit. If he still does not eat it try to skip a day or two then try again.

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Q: What kind of human food do goats eat My goat won't eat any treats i give him?
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Is the sentence Do not give the dog any food from the table or treat correct?

No, it is not correct. If the treats are on the table, you should write: 'Do not give the dog any food or treats from the table.' If the treats are not on the table, you should write: 'Do not give the dog any food from the table, nor any treats.' As it stands, the sentence means that some of the food is on the table and some of it is on the treat.

When you don't want your Pekingese to eat human food why won't it eat dog treats?

Maybe because she just doesnt like them. Why dont you try her on another type of treat all dogs like at least one treat? Not everyone wants to give their dog human food but thats fine just try her on different treats.

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Kitty food with kitty treats!

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Is it true orange tabby cats get fat?

no!!!! of course not, it only depends of how much food you give them, or give them treats or snacks,....

What type of food to give kid goats when weaning?

Good nutritious hay, goat pellets and grain.

How big should yorkie poos be?

It depends on their diet. My Yorkie-Poo got a little heavier because we give her some human-food. If you keep them on a good and healthy diet with only dog food and dog treats they should be around 5 pounds.

Are goats fat?

It depends of nutrition and health, but if you give them good food and you build them a warm shelter they will be pretty fat.

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Why doesn't my dog eat its own food?

If the dog is being given a lot of table/human food then the dog will be less likely to eat it's own food. Same applies for if the dog is being given a lot of dog treats throughout the day and night. Human food is not good to give to dogs and should be avoided as much as possible as there are foods that can be and/or are harmful to them. Foods such as Grapes which cause kidney/liver failure in dogs. Onions which cause Anemia. MSG, Wheat, and other additives can cause allergic reactions and other problems. If this is happening, stop all feeding of human food and reduce treats to 1 or 2 a day max. If your dog is still not eating the food or isn't given a lot of treats and/or human food. You should make an appointment with your vet to make sure the dog doesn't have an intestinal obstruction/issue or other medical issue that is causing them to not want to eat.

Can you give your dog a marshmallow?

Marshmallows are fine for dogs to eat but don't use them as daily treats. If you accidently drop one and your dog eats it, don't worry, just don't give it too many. One is fine... marshmallows are human treats!

Why do cows and goats need to be fed on grass and oilseed-cakes?

Cows and goats need to be fed on grass and oilseed cakes because grass and oilseed cakes are milk producing food so these help them to produce milk