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Not much since an AA degree is only a 2 year degree. Mainly it depends on the classes you took towards a BA or in getting training in one area. If you really want to work in science you need to go on for a BA with a major in one area of science. Otherwise you have 2 years of college and some units that may help you get a job.

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12y ago
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9y ago

There are so many jobs that can you get with an associate's of applied science degree in technical studies. Some of them include clinical studies expert, computer engineer, working in invention labs and so much more.

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14y ago

I would assume that if you are going to put all that energy, time, effort, and money, into this intensive program, you would want to work as a registered nurse. That being said, there are many specialties within the field of nursing as indicate below.

Ambulatory care nurses

Critical care nurses

Emergency, or trauma, nurses

Transport nurses

Holistic nurses

Hospice and palliative care nurses

Infusion nurses

Long- term care nurses

Medical-surgical nurses

Occupational health nurses

Perianesthesia nurses

Perioperative nurses

Psychiatric-mental health nurses

Radiology nurses

Transplant nurses

Intellectual and developmental disabilities nurses

Diabetes management nurses

HIV/AIDS nurses

Oncology nurses

Wound, ostomy, and continence nurses

Cardiovascular nurses

Dermatology nurses

Gastroenterology nurses

Gynecology nurses

Nephrology nurses

Neuroscience nurses

Ophthalmic nurses

Orthopedic nurses

Otorhinolaryngology nurses

Respiratory nurses

Urology nurses

neonatal nurses

Nurse practitioners (minimum requirement of a master's degree)

Forensics nurses

Infection control nurses

Nurse administrators

Legal nurse

Nurse informaticists

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14y ago

What kinds of jobs are available with an associates degree in criminal justice, without the headache of a civil service exam?

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14y ago

There are hundreds of job classifications available. However, which types of jobs are dependent on the specific program of study at the associates level.

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