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No job will give you a real edge. Showing leadership and responsibility will help though. That can be shown through a variety of jobs.

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Q: What kind of jobs can you do while in high school that will help you with being a police officer?
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Can you become a police officer and a lawyer?

Yes. I have been a police officer for nearly seventeen years and attended law school while also working full time. I graduated from law school, passed the bar exam and practiced law in my spare time.

Can you be a police officer while in law school?

Sure, why not I mean you should know this if your going to law school but that is sooo cool that your smart enough to do that im not jk in hahahah

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As far as I know it isn't illegal anywhere for a police officer to hide, its not considered entrapment unless you're being tricked into doing something you wouldn't normally do. So yes, they can hide while using radar.

What will you do while your at work as a police officer?

you will help pepole dont let no one put a hand on them and be a nice and good police officer !

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If the police officer saw the people kicking you down, it is very likely that the police officer could arrested people for assult you.

What is a apprentice police officer?

Anyone age 21 yrs of age and over with a high school diploma or ged and sometimes a college degree hired by a police department while going through the state police academy.

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Why can a police officer request to question your child while they are in the custody of the school?

Yes. Depending on the state and the purpose of questioning, you may be entitled to deny the request.

What if you leave while being detained by a police officer?

It is considered resisting arrest and you can be charged with that offense, in addition to whatever charge you were detained for in the first palce.

Can a police officer stop you while he is on an emergency pursuit?

It would be unusual, but if the officer felt it necessary he could stop you.

Is a gendarme a police officer?

Yes, a gendarme is a police officer in France. He does the same job than 'un policier' who is a civil servant, while the gendarme is part of the military.

What happened to oswald after killing Kennedy?

Oswald killed a police officer, was later arrested. While being moved from the city jail, he was shot and killed by Jack Ruby.