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Q: What kind of knot stays tight after you let the rope go slack?
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What does pull the knot snug mean?

The term means 'to pull the knot up tight, but not TOO tight'.

Why does hair knot?

because the cumiliations in the hair cells are all tight so that is what can cause it to knot

When you tie your horse to a pole should you tie it in a tight knot?

No, a slip not is best. You don't need to tie it in a tight knot that you won't be able to get undone in a hurry.

What is a hurricane knot?

The hurricane knot is a loop knot that can be tied and opened hunder pressure. It is secure if it stays under permanent pressure. It can be used to tie down airplanes. Here is a description by Ells, Steven W. (in AOPA PILOT September 2007): Potts' hurricane knot is tied by taking all the slack out of the rope and applying a slight tension before wrapping the free end of the rope twice around the length of rope between the airplane and the anchor and pulling the second wrap tight so it jams. This wrapping and jamming is repeated twice and the the end is secured down the tiedown rope with half a hitch.

How do you square knot?

A proper square knot can be loosened by pulling two of the four lines going into the knot. They will be two adjacent lines, and on the 'short' side of the knot, not the long side. This should create enough slack to allow the lines to come apart.Squish them into a circle... or cut it

When do you know you are a looser?

You are a looser when you loose something. For instance, making a tight knot not as tight would make you a looser.

What kind of knot is used to tie a boat to a dock?

a triple knot

What is a rhyming pair for a not tight hangmans knot?

loose noose is an answer.

What is a sheepshank?

A kind of knot.

Should you tie a tight knot when tying your horse to a post?

No. You should not tie a knot when your horse is going to be tied to a post. You should always tie a loose not just in case the horse gets spooked or frightened. Never ever tie a tight not. I

What should you do when you tie your horse to a post?

tie a very tight knot so he or she doesn't escape.

When you tie your horse to a post should you do a tight knot or a loose one?

a loose not but not too loose.