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You will still need to see a doctor because it could be prostate problems rather than bladder. But drinking cranberry juice will make the urine more acidic, which can decrease the amount of bacteria.

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Q: What kind of medicine or over the counter preparations can a man take for bladder infection?
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Causes of a blatter infection?

can over the counter medicine cure bladder and urinary tract infection

Is Pepto-Bismol a treatment for a bladder infection symptom?

The over the counter medicine pepto bismol is not intended for bladder infections. It is provided for temporary relief of stomach aches and pains. Others are better.

Is white Discharge after a bladder infection normal?

White discharge after a bladder infection has been treated with antibiotics can be a sign of a yeast infection. You can buy over-the-counter remedies for yeast infection, plus eat yogurt with active cultures in it, or drink acidophilus milk.

How do you cure a yeast infection in man?

There are medicine over the counter at the pharmacy. it's the same for men and women.

What over the counter medicine is good for tooth infection?

Nothing but a trip to the dentist will help if it infected as you say.

Why does orange juice give me bladder infections?

Orange juice cannot cause bladder infections. Bladder infections are caused from bacteria that enter the bladder, usually via the urethra. And contrary to popular belief, cranberry juice does not cure a bladder infection. But there are other things that can mimic a bladder infection, such as Interstitial Cystitis. Sexual intercourse can also cause you to have some sypmtoms of a bladder infection if there was not adequate lubrication, which would cause urethral and vaginal irritation. If you feel you do have a bladder infection, you need to see your doctor. A bladder infection can also affect the kidneys if not treated with antibiotics. If there is no infection there are some things you can do to get relief from the discomfort. Sitting in a warm or hot tub of water relaxes the bladder muscles, which helps eliminate the painful spasms. You can also get over-the-counter medications for this. The name of one is Azo Standard. It is a bladder analgesic, and is quite effective in relieving the discomfort.

How do you get rid of a yeast infection caused by doxycycline?

It usually passes by itself after about 2 weeks after you've stopped taking them, or you can get over the counter medicine.

Sore fanny and itchy and discharge?

I'm thinking that it could be your vagina instead of your "fanny". If it is then it is most likely a yeast infection. You can get over the counter medicine

What kind of medicine I'm going to take if i have urinary infection?

You can take an over the counter urinary pain relief medicine. But you will need to get seen by a doctor so you can also get a prescription for Cipro or another similar antibiotic.

Can you use an over the counter medicine for yeast infections during pregnancy?

Yes. You can use a cream or a suppository just avoid the oral medications for a yeast infection.

What to do to help Bladder Infection?

While antibiotics prescribed by a physician are the only way to cure a bladder infection, you can do some things to self-treat the symptoms and to help prevent future bladder infections. An all-time favorite way to treat and prevent bladder infections at home is to drink cranberry juice. Cranberry juice often helps reduce frequency of bladder infections. Cranberry herbal supplements are available over-the-counter and many women find they work amazingly quickly when an UTI has occurred. A drug called Azo-Standard is available OTC and often relieves the pain associated with urinary tract infections. Azo-Standard, does not however, cure the underlying infection. Remember to see your healthcare provider when you have a bladder infection for proper diagnosis and antibiotic treatment.

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