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Chemical Substance

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Q: What kind of mixture is sometimes hard to distinguish from a compound?
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Distinguish in a sentence?

Sure! Just let me know what you'd like me to distinguish in a sentence.

Is hard water a mixture or compound?

Hard water is a mixture: water containing calcium and magnesium carbonates, also some sulfates or chlorides.

Is slime a compound or a mixture?

It would be a compound because a solution is a liquid which is hard to separate and it is not easy to separate by a magnet or something like a mixture. So it would be a compound, IM SMART!!! :)

How could you discern between a compound and a mixture?

A compound it something that is fused together e.g. copper sulfate and is hard to seperate. A mixture is something more like sand and iron, it's easy to seperate.

Is saltwater a mechanical mixture?

No, it is a pure substance.

Is a plastic soda bottle a mixture element or compound?

it is a compound. Charles law states that to be a compound it must be hard but flexible too. GENIE AND JIGGLES AND GIGGLES AND SCRIBBLES AND SOME OTHER PEOPLE ANSWERED THIS FOR YOU

Can you give a good sentences about distinguish?

It's hard to distinguish between the two twins.

What is cementite?

Cementite is a compound that is made of iron and carbon, and is sometimes referred to as iron carbide. Because it is a hard compound, it is often used to mix with steel and harden the steel.

Simple sentence with distinguish?

Here are some sentences.His hard work will distinguish him from the other employees.How will you distinguish Uncle Paul from the other clowns?

How can one identify apatite rocks?

There are many different types of minerals and rocks and they are sometimes hard to distinguish one from another. Apatite rocks are usually transparent green.

Why is it hard to distinguish star colors at night?

my buttt

Just give me a sentence with distinguish?

It was hard to distinguish the twins when they wore the same outfit.