

What kind of noun can be touched?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What kind of noun can be touched?
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What kind of noun is sadness?

Sadness is an abstract noun that represents an emotion or feeling of sorrow, unhappiness, or melancholy. It is a noun that cannot be physically touched or seen, as it pertains to internal emotions and mental states.

What kind of noun is it when you can see it?

The kind of noun you can see is a concrete noun. A concrete noun is something that can be experienced by one or more of the five senses; it can be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched. An abstract noun is something that can't be experienced by any of the five senses, it's something you know, understand, or feel emotionally.

Is the word touched a noun?

No, touched is a verb. If it is something that you can do, in this case touch something, it is a verb.

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The noun globe is a concrete noun; a globe can be seen and touched.

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An abstract noun names something that cannot be seen or touched.

Is Brazil a concrete or abstract noun?

The proper noun Brazil is a concrete noun, a word for something that can be seen and touched, a word for a physical place.

Is globe an abstract noun?

No, the noun 'globe' is a concrete noun, a word for a spherical object that can be seen or touched.

Is Fear a concrete noun?

No. Fear is an abstract noun, an emotion. It cannot be seen or touched.

What is the abstract noun for major?

An abstract noun names something that cannot be seen or touched.

Is quickness an abstract noun?

Yes, it is an abstract noun for a comparative ability, not something that can be touched.

Is hair a concrete or abstract noun?

Hair is a concrete noun, something that can physically be seen and touched.

Is integrity a noun?

Yes. Although it is a quality that cannot be physically touched or seen, integrity is a noun.