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Yogurt is a singular, common, concrete noun.

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Is yogurt a noun?

Yes, yogurt or yoghurt or yoghourt is a noun, a common, concrete noun; a word for a fermented milk product; a word for a thing.The noun 'yogurt' is an uncountable noun as a word for a substance.The noun 'yogurt' is a countable noun as a word for types of yogurt.

What part of speech is the word yogurt?

The word yogurt is a singular noun. The plural term would be yogurts.

What are the proper and common nouns for yogurt?

The noun 'yogurt' is a common noun, a general word for a type of dairy product.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing. A proper noun for the common noun 'yogurt' is the name of a specific yogurt, for example, Chobani or Stonyfield Farm.

Is yogurt is proper noun?

No, the noun 'yogurt' is a common noun; a general word for any yogurt of any kind.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing; for example:Dannon All Natural Vanilla YogurtThe Yogurt Culture Company, 125 Park Avenue, New York, NY

What kind of yogurt does Denny's serve?

The kind of yogurt does Denny's serve is vanilla

Is yogurt a concrete noun?

Yes, the noun yogurt is a concrete noun, a word for a food product that can be seen, smelled, tasted, and touched; a word for a physical thing.

What kind of yogurt does chick fil use?

Sour Yogurt

Grams of sugar in a cup of yogurt?

It depends on the kind of yogurt. It should say on the bottle.

Why does buttermilk look kind of like yogurt?

what are the physical changes occur in yogurt making

What kind of yogurt do hamsters like?

You can give them yogurt chips for hamsters, and you can give them rabbit yogurt chips,. (there the same basic thing....)

Can you eat activia yogurt while pregnant?

No, do not eat activia yogurt while pregnant. Just eat the other kind of yogurt.

What is the tastiest kind of yogurt?

depends on your taste.