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Chernobyl was a Nuclear Power Plant.

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Q: What kind of nuclear plant was Chernobyl?
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Can an improperly managed nuclear plant explode like a nuclear weapon?

No. A nuclear weapon requires a critical amount of highly enriched fuel to be rapidly brought together to cause a sudden explosion. Nuclear plants use low enriched fuel which could never cause a nuclear explosion, and this fuel is dispersed through the reactor in any case so it could not suddenly come together. Any nuclear plant explosions (like Chernobyl) are caused by the presence of high pressure steam and water circuits, not the fact of it being a nuclear plant, though certainly if there is an explosion of a pressure circuit and hence a loss of coolant, and disruption of the nuclear reactor, radioactivity may escape from the plant. This is the chief preoccupation of designers and operators, to keep the plant safe and prevent this ever happening.

What is the function of a nuclear reactor of a nuclear plant?

simply, the nuclear reactor is the source of heat (or steam) for the nuclear power plant.

What are some of the issues of nuclear power plants?

Nuclear power amounts for a somewhat large portion of our the energy that we use. However, nuclear spills can be devastating. When a nuclear power plant leaks, radioactive material is released into the environment. This material is extremely harmful to humans and can cause many health problems and cancer. Radiation is spread through the air. It can take many years for the harmful material in the environment to go away. One of the most well-known nuclear accidents was the disaster at Chernobyl. Also, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan recently had a spill.

What is the positive of nuclear power plant?

what is negative of the nuclear power plant

What step was taken to insure the nuclear reactor was safe in chernobyl?

The RBMK reactors at Chernobyl were probably the most unsafe reactors ever designed and built. They should never have been built.