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Criminal nuisance and criminal trespass. There may also be a mail tampering charge if you contact your post office or postal inspector.

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Q: What kind of offense is it if someone puts a bag of feces in your residential mailbox?
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What do you call someone who is obsessed with feces?

Party pooper?

When someone is practicing voodoo and leaves feces on someone's grave what does that mean?

They don't like them

What is the term for throwing feces?

Gassing is a term used to mean "throwing feces". The word began as prison slang and is when inmates mix feces with some other bodily fluid such as saliva, urine, or blood and throw it at staff members as an act of rebellion. It is a felony offense and will result in getting them more prison time.

What are the diseases caused by human feces?

Typhoid Fever. Coming from drinking water contaminated by Human Feces.

Can you swallow your own feces?

Yes, you can swallow your own feces if you are so inclined. However, it is not particularly a good idea, though it is safer than attempting to consume someone else's. It can make you sick on the stomach. You have to remember that feces is what the body cannot use, so eating it generally makes no sense.

Can man take feces of partner in mouth?

Yes, someone can take the feces of their partner in their mouth. Whether it is a good idea is another matter. However, you had better make sure the other person is free of disease.

Can you die from eating poo?

Yes you can from the bacteria from in feces.

What the meaning of deficent?

Defecation is the discharge of feces from the body. Deification is the worship, regard, or treatment of someone or something as a god.

Is it feces or feces?

Feces is correct in America. Faeces is correct in International English.

What do roach feces look like?

As for the small "German" roach, most commonly found in multiple unit residential human dwelling places, the feces looks like tiny specks of black pepper. When a roach infestation occurs the build-up of roach feces and regurgitation will cause the effected area to have a characteristic dank, "septic," unhealthful odor. Such build-up can cause allergic reactions such as sneezing, watery irritated eyes, skin rashes & asthma. Additionally, roaches & their feces & regurgitaion carry, spread & contain disease causing microbes.

What happens if you eat human feces?

At best, nothing at all other than bad breath and possible indigestion. However, fecal matter does carry diseases which can make you quite sick, particularly if the feces is from someone who is sick.

Why did your whole family turn into feces?

Because your feces has magical powers that turns anything it touches to feces, and one day your family thought your feces was cookies, ate it, and then they turned into feces! TADAA!