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Q: What kind of offerings did Mesopotamians leave for the gods?
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What kind of offerings did the people leave for the gods?

They leave grains and wheat for taxes and that made the gods happy if they didn't do this they will be kicked out or death could come to them.

What kind of food did the gods eat?

they ate ambrosia and drank nectar.Actually it depends on what pantheon you want to know about. The Olympian Gods did eat ambrosia and drink nectar but the Hindu Gods for instance ate and still eat the essence of the offerings made by believers. In many other cases where offerings and/or sacrifice is made to the God or Gods those sacrificed and the offerings being made, comprise the foods consumed by the Gods.

What kind of transportation did Mesopotamians have?


What kind of meat did Mesopotamians eat?

Scientists believe that the Mesopotamians ate goat, cow, and chicken.

What kind of ball games did Mesopotamians play?


What kind of crops did the ancient Mesopotamians have?

They had wheat and barley.

What kind of jobs did Mesopotamians do?

farming, irrigation,metal worker and potter .

What kind of shoes did Mesopotamians use?

The shoe was made of soft wraparound leather, kind of like a moccasin

What kind of artifacts did the Aztec leave behind?

The Aztec left behind artifacts such as ceremonial objects like sculptures, masks, and pottery, as well as items used in everyday life like tools and utensils. They also left behind intricate, colorful codices (manuscripts) that provide insights into their history, culture, and beliefs. Additionally, architectural remains such as temples and pyramids give us a glimpse into their advanced building techniques.

What kind of people lived in the fertile crescent?

Mesopotamians,slaves, Kings,And great emperers

What kind of system did the Mesopotamians use for trade and services?

Private enterprise.under government protection.

Why was Mesopotamia art important.?

the cave paintings represented mostly gods, and power. mesopotamians worshiped these kind of things. animals and other sculptures or paintings such as clay figures , i am not exactly sure why the art is important but, you could check out websites to learn more info