

What kind of people are lobbyists today?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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work within the governmental process to affect polocies

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Q: What kind of people are lobbyists today?
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Lobbyists today are people who generally do what?

Work within the governmental process to affect policies.

How many people work as lobbyists in the nation's capital today?

According to (from the Center for Responsive Politics), there were 13,694 active lobbyists working in Washington, D.C. in 2009.

Who are People who contact public officials to express the wishes of an interest group?


Why do people not like lobbyists?

Lobbyists are one or more individuals that have a special interest in which they are trying to get political recognition for. Many lobbyists are criticized because the voters feel that these individuals or groups do not take into account what is best for the people but rather what is of importance for just the cause that is supported.

Which branches of government can be influenced by lobbyists?

Congress is most influenced by lobbyists. The lobbyists write bills for the members of congress so the people they work for are protected or provided for in bills. Lobbyists also give free gifts, memberships, dinners, trips, and tickets to congress to influence their votes.

Who controls the people in the of congress?

Lobbyists, and big business in general.

People who represent interest groups and work with legislature are called?


Some problems with lobbyists and interest groups are?

Lobbyists and interests groups influence the elections by persuading the legislators to vote for legislation that favors their employer. Lobbyists and interests groups take care of their own sectional interest ignoring the views of the majority of the people in a democratic setup.

What are some problems with lobbyists and interests groups?

Lobbyists and interests groups influence the elections by persuading the legislators to vote for legislation that favors their employer. Lobbyists and interests groups take care of their own sectional interest ignoring the views of the majority of the people in a democratic setup.

When does lobbying occur?

Lobbying by lobbyists happens all the time. There is no set time or day. The term "lobbyist " comes from President Grants terms in office. Each after noon he would visit an hotel in Washington not far from the White House to have a bourbon and cigar. While sitting there people would approach him with issues they wanted him to address. Since he was in the lobby of the hotel the people who talked with Grant were soon called "lobbyists." Many lobbyists today represent a industry or issue that they are hired to get laws passed or put aside. Some today even write the laws and give them to members of congress to sponsor and support. They do have an effect on the government and laws.

What are representatives of interest groups that work on influence congress?

Representatives.. I think. That or Senators.

By what kind of people was Hanukkah first celebrated?

by Jewish people (the same as today).