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Manoah was the father of Samson (Judges ch.13).

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Q: What kind of people lived in Zorah and who was Manoah in the Bible?
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What was the age of people in the Bible?

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Who was the Biblical character who lived in Ur?

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It could be Lot and his two daughters.

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Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel. The first four on Earth.

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Methusaleh, the oldest person recorded, lived for 969 years and so, according to what is written in the Bible, no-one lived longer than a thousand years.

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the person lived long in bible is METHUSELAH . the grandfather of Noah. he lived 969 years.

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The people of the town in which she lived. The Bible doesn't qualify it more than that.

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Abraham from the bible lived longest. Abraham lived to be 175 years old.

Who lived the most in the bible?

Methuselah is the oldest man mentioned in the Bible. He lived to be 969 years of age (Gen. 5: 21-27).

Who is the oldest that ever lived in the bible?


Who is Methuselahselah?

a guy who lived long in the bible

Who lived the oldest on earth?

Noah was the oldest person living. Noah is in bible times. b.c. he lived up to 950 years. Look in the bible