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Q: What kind of person would most likely become intoxicated more quickly?
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How does alcohol effect a exhausted person?

It is easier to pass out, and you are more likely to vomit, if you become intoxicated while exhausted.

Can a person become intoxicated only after they have had a few drinks?

If the drinks have a high enough alcohol content, yes.

Can a person be legally intoxicated but not intoxicated in fact?

You either are, or you are not intoxicated. There is no in between as far as the law is concerned.

Does alcohol in cake make in addicting?

The amount of alcohol in cakes made with liquor is too low to become intoxicated. It is far more likely that a person would become addicted to the sugar. HOWEVER, there is enough alcohol to trigger cravings in an alcoholic, and it is unwise for a person in recovery to take alcohol in any form.

When is a person intoxicated?

An intoxicated person is someone who has drunk too much alcohol, and is drunk. Probably staggering about, unsure of where or what he or she is doing.

What is the quickest way to get drunk?

Intoxication occurs quickly if a person consumes too much alcohol quickly, especially with an empty stomach. However, becoming intoxicated is never a good or wise idea.

Should intoxication be a reason to void a contract?

If that person still understands the legal consequences of the contract, it is legally enforceable. If that person is intoxicated to the point that he or she lacks mental competency, the contract is voidable at by the intoxicated person, even if the intoxication was voluntarily.

First person to get drunk in the Bible?

The first person in Bible scripture noted to become intoxicated was Noah: Genesis 9:21...and he (Noah) drank of the wine, and was drunken...

If a person with a high blood alcohol level is bitten by a blood-sucking insect like a mosquito could the insect become intoxicated as a result?

No, a mosquito will not become intoxicated through someone's blood alcohol level after biting a person. In a mosquito the alcohol moves into a separate area, or pocket, and is broken down by enzymes before it could even reach the nervous system.

Can bathing cause a person become intoxicated?

No, bathing would not cause one to become intoxicated. However, in the US, low levels of chlorine in our tap water is standard, and generally considered safe. You could be having an adverse reaction to the chlorine, or one of the many other chemicals found in our tap water.

Why is there no single scientific measure that determines whether a person is intoxicated?

Because everyone's physical properties are different. For example, it may take 4 standard drinks for one person to be intoxicated while the same amount of drinks for another person may just get him or her mildly intoxicated.

What is a person who is very drunk called?

inebriated or intoxicated.