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Naval aircraft that have stronger undercarriages and a tail hook.

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Q: What kind of plane do they land on aircraft carriers?
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How do airplanes land an aircraft carriers?

Very carefully.

What is the minimum angle with which a plane can land?

It depends on which plane. Some aircraft can land at very steep angles.

What is an aircraft carrier?

An aircraft carrier is basically a large "barge". Or a large flat ship that can hold many different planes, and is long enough for a plane to take off and land on. These large aircraft carriers are usually located in the middle of the ocean, in a location where an airport or landing location on land is not accessible. Planes are able to land and take off from the deck of this ship. There is a cable that snags onto the plane as it is landing to keep the plane from skidding off the boat. There are several different types of Carriers. There are the VSTOL types, the British have a number of these, they are smaller than the US large carriers. The aircraft, Harriers, do vertical take offs and only require enough space to land on. The US has Heliocopter Assault (LHAs) that are designed to transport large groups of Marines from the ship to shore in attack waves. And the biggest are the US Navy's Nimitz class carriers. Nuclear powered, they carry heliocopters, jets and prop planes. They are designed to extend the US presence into areas not readily available to aircraft from land based locations. The greatly increased range of most aircraft has greatly extended their range of operation. They allow rapid turn around of aircraft, increasing the number of missions that can be run.

How were World War Aircraft Carriers used?

they provided aircover in remote areas of the Pacific where no land base aircraft could be based and provide such cover..............

Did the pilots during World War 2 that flew off the navy carriers fall under the army air corp or where they navy?

US Navy Aircraft Carriers normally operated US Navy aircraft flown by US Navy pilots; however sometimes during WW2 these aircraft carriers had US Army Air Force or US Marine Corps aircraft on-board to be flown-off by Army or Marine pilots. This was for ferrying operations. These aircraft would take off from the carriers but land on an airfield. Army pilots were not trained to land on carriers, neither were the Army aircraft equipped for carrier landings. US Marine pilots & Marine aircraft could operate from carriers if necessary, until they could be established at an airfield.

What type of ship could planes land on in ww2?

I'm sure they could land on any ship if they really had to. But only aircraft carriers safely.

What do Aircraft carriers provide?

aircraft carriers provided many things such as, fighters,b-17,b-20 and was a landing zone to fighters.they were stationed usually by land a couple miles off shore and provided air support for soldiers in need.

Who are the main users of military aircraft?

The Air Force of a nation usually has more aircraft than the other services combined. If the Navy has aircraft carriers, they need airplanes that can take off and land on those vessels. If the Navy does not have aircraft carriers, they usually have a few land based aircraft. Most Army's have helicopters (aka rotating wing aircraft) and some fixed-wing aircraft. The Marine Corps have a combination of helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft. The Coast Guard have their own fleet of land based aircraft. The Air Force is the main users of military aircraft, but, not the only branch to use them. Generally speaking the civilian police/law enforcement agencies do not use military aircraft, except on special occasions.

Fighter aircraft can stop on the shortened runway?

Fighter aircraft can stop on a short runway. On aircraft carriers, cables are used to stop them. Some fighters landing on short land runways use braking parachutes.

Was there aircraft carriers in World War 1?

Aircraft carriers existed in WW1, but only Great Britain and Japan had them, in very small numbers, and they were not used. HMS Furious could have participated in the Battle of Jutland but was held out of the battle deliberately.INCORRECT: In May 1916, no aircraft carriers existed in the Royal Navy. Two SEAPLANE carriers were designated to accompany the Grand fleet and the Battle cruiser fleet at the Battle of Jutland, but CAMPANIA somehow missed the signal to sail with the Grand fleet (she was anchored in an obscure bay), and was therefore left behind in Scapa Flow. The other Seaplane carrier, ENGADINE, did accompany the BC fleet, and launched a plane to recconoiter the enemy, but although the plane was able to report back to her carrier, Engadine was unable to pass the messages on to Beatty, the Admiral of the Battlecruiser force.Furious was not launched until August 1916, completed in June 1917, and flew off her first aircraft in August 1917. HMS Argus was not launched until December 1917. She didn't land her fisrt aircraft until the 1st October, 1918.Seaplane carriers, by difference, have to stop in the sea, lower the plane on to the sea by crane, and then the plane take off from the sea. Having landed (back on the water) the plane would taxi to its mother ship where it would be craned back on board.

How many US ships were present at the Battle of Midway?

The US Navy at Midway had 3 carriers, about 50 support ships, 233 carrier aircraft, as well as 127 land-based aircraft.

What jets land on a aircraft carrier?

Ones with tail hooks so they can stop. The biggest plane to ever land on a US aircraft carrier was a C-130, which the Navy was considering for Carrier Onboard Delivery service.