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Q: What kind of plant is a chickweed?
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What parts of the chickweed plant are used for medicinal purposes?

Gather chickweed from young plants before or during flowering. Snipping the stems will encourage growth of new branches for later harvest. The entire chickweed plant is edible.

What can you use chickweed for?

You can use chickweed to make a type of salve that is helpful if you have acne, boils, burns or tumors. Some other uses for chickweed salve is to cure rashes and sores.

What are the effects of putting soapy water on chickweed?

It will wash of aphids, if present, and make the chickweed nice and clean.

Do snakes eat chickweed?

NO, they do not !

Is chickweed an annual or perennial weed?

Chickweed is an annual weed. It is also edible and makes a fine salad green.

What kind of plants live in New york?

The Mouse-Ear Chickweed ,Eastern Red Cedar Tree , Beach Heather, Little Bluestem.

What do you call chickweed in Telugu?

chetarasi kura

What are the medicinal actions of chickweed?

Diuretic and anti-inflammatory.

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What are the drug interactions associated with chickweed use?

None reported.

What are the side effects associated with using chickweed?

None reported.

What herb in the warriors is used to cure blackcough?

chickweed i think.