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Black, white-breasted, plumed, and crested guineafowl feed on a range of plants and small invertebrates obtained by scratching in the leaf litter. Crested guineafowl may also feed in trees on berries and other fruits, and on bulbs from below the ground.

Vulturine guineafowl also feed on a range of plant and animal items and will sometimes perch in bushes to feed on fruits. Unlike all other guineafowl, this species appears to survive without readily-available drinking water.

Helmeted guineafowl are the most omnivorous of the guineafowl species, taking a broad range of plant and animal material (even small toads) from above and below the ground, switching their preferences to whatever appears to be abundant at the time, but focusing on insects and other arthropods during the breeding season.

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Q: What kind of plants and animals do guinea fowls eat?
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