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Q: What kind of ploughing is done on sloping land?
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Related questions

What does contor plowing involve?

Contour ploughing is ploughing along the contour lines on sloping land. It is done to minimise soil erosion from rain washing soil downhill.

What is a method of clearing land that leaves soil prone to erosion?

Any kind of removal of vegetation from the surface of the soil. This can be through ploughing right through to deforestation.

Why does sloping land erode more than flat land?


Does the surname Litherland mean Waste-land or Slopeing-land?

Sloping land.. "The derivation is from the pre 7th century Norse word "hlithar" meaning a slope, with the suffix "-land", to give the meaning of an estate on sloping land."

What is the bank?

the land alongside or sloping down to a river or lake.

How do you increase river current?

By adding more water or sloping the land.

Why is rubber grown on a gently sloping land?

cause it is reqired condition

What is the gently sloping platform of land arond the coasts of the continents called?

sea shore

Ploughing or harrowing of land in preparation for growing crops?

Ploughing is the initial process in which the soil is broken and turned over, exposing fresh soil and burying weeds. Harrowing follows ploughing to break up clods of soil, level the surface, and prepare a seedbed for planting. Together, ploughing and harrowing help aerate the soil, improve drainage, and create optimal conditions for seed germination and crop growth.

What is a sloping uneven land surface smaller than a mountain?

This could be a hill (also hillock).

What is narrow gently sloping strip of land that lies along the edge of the ocean or a lake?

a beach Dah!

Why during ploughing the land is pressed lightly and not tightly?

Ploughing is done mainly in the Autumn, after harvesting the crops, to turn over the soil, leaving it in furrows. This covers and suppresses weeds. Also, on heavy soils, the furrows are left for winter weather to break down the soil particles. In Spring, as soon as the soil has dried out a little, the furrows are harrowed and broken down into a file tilth suitable for planting or sowing with seed.