

What kind of reaction is burning?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Its irreversible and an oxidising reaction

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Q: What kind of reaction is burning?
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Exothermic reaction: reaction with release of heat; for example burning of organic materials (oxydation of carbon) is a typical exothermic reaction.

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Because burning is a a reaction with oxygen, an oxydation.

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Burning is an oxydation reaction.

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Burning is an oxidation reaction - a reaction with oxygen.

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The final products are carbon dioxide and water if the burning is complete.The burning is an oxidation reaction (a reaction with oxygen).

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Burning wood is a chemical reaction because combustion (burning) is an oxidation reaction.

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Burning is a chemical reaction (oxidation).

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Burning is an oxidation reaction - a reaction with oxygen.

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What kind of reaction is also commonly called 'burning'?

Another name for burning is combustion. The term combustion is more commonly used in scientific fields like chemistry and physics.

When you combine carbon and oxygen atoms what kind of reaction do you get?

A simple example of the combining of carbon and oxygen would be the burning of coal.

Where do the products of burning reaction end up?

The products of a burning reaction is absorbed into the atmosphere. Hope this helps :)