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Q: What kind of reaction is mixing tomato sauce and mayonnaise?
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What is the seafood sauce made with mayonnaise and tomato sauce called?

rose marie

Is cocktail sauce the same as a mayonnaise sauce?

Cocktail sauce is a red sauce that is tomato based and slightly spicy. A mayonnaise sauce as the name implies has a mayonnaise base which typically has lemon juice and pickles added.

Is there pumpkin in all gold tomato sauce?

There is no pumpkin in gold tomato sauce. There is no such thing as mixing the two. This is unless the can or jar specifies it.

5 basic mother sauces in french?

* Bechamel sauce(White Sauce) * Espagnol Sauce(Brown Sauce) * veloutes Sauce * Tomato Sauce * Mayonnaise Sauce * Hollandaise Sauce

What are the 4 types of sauces?

Type your answer here... White/Bechamel sauce Veloute Sauce Brown / Espagnol Sauce Emulsified Sauce (e.g. mayonnaise) Tomato Sauce. However not everyone regards the above sauces, also know as the grand or mother sauces, as satisfying the definition of a leading sauce. For some, not uninformed people, a leading sauce is a sauce derived from a mother or grand sauce.

What is tomato sauce?

As the name "Tomato sauce" suggests, tomato sauce is a sauce who's main ingredient is tomatos.

What chemical reaction is cooking tomatoes to make tomato sauce?

mga bano kamatis yan

Is tomato sauce or brown sauce better with bacon?

tomato sauce

Where does tomato pasta sauce come from?

in a factory that makes tomato sauce.

Which is sweeter... tomato sauce or paste?

tomato sauce after tasting it from three separate companies and doing the same with tomato paste i found out it was tomato sauce

What is the clearly defined difference between American ketchup and tomato sauce?

Ketchup is spiced tomato sauce cooked with vinegar. Tomato sauce is the sauce made by cooking tomatoes down until the meat of the tomato breaks down into a sauce consistency. Ketchup is spiced tomato sauce cooked with vinegar. Tomato sauce is the sauce made by cooking tomatoes down until the meat of the tomato breaks down into a sauce consistency.

What is the Name of sauce on pizza?

the sauce on top of the pizza is called tomato sauce. Some Italian Americans call tomato sauce, gravy.