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Goliath was not a servant of God. he was from the tribe of the Philistines. The Philistines went collecting their camps together to wage war against the Israelites. The Philistines were on one side of the mountain and the Israelites on the other. A champion came forward from the Philistines and his name was Goliath. He was a very large, tall man that wore heavy armor. and he wanted to engage in warfare with the Israelites, because he knew how powerful he was . The israelites were God's chosen people. so certainly God would not have any sort of relationship with Goliath, except in determining who was going to take care of this monsterous man. David was no match for Goliath, however, he accepted the challenge and rejected the armor. His statement was"Jehovah will deliver me."

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Q: What kind of relationship did goliath and god have?
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What breed of dog is goliath from sandlot 2?

St Bernard I think that's wrong. It was an English Mastiff

Moral lesson in the story of David and Goliath?

The main point in my opinion is that when a man mocks God, he is destined for a fall. David was content in his victory, because he knew that God was fighting for him. So why five stones? Because Goliath had four brothers, who were giants also.