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Hinduism is polytheistic as well as pagan.

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Q: What kind of religion is Hinduism monotheistis or polytheistis?
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What is dravidianism?

Dravidianism is the oldest "religion" in the history of human kind which later becomes Hinduism. Though it is a religion, it is more of a way of life which evolves into a religion.

Does Hinduism influence a persons life?

Yes Religion of any kind influences ones life. Religion is simply a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith.

In what ways did Buddhism differ from Hinduism at the time that Buddhism first emerged in India?

Hinduism is a religion that based on the concept of God. But Buddhism is not based on this concept. According to them, gods are a kind of powerful aliens but not deathless. Buddhism was a philosophy based on the concept of cause and effect. Later, some followers of Buddhism converted it to a religion.

What religion suggests following the rules and doing your best in society to fit in?

Islam and Hinduism. They say to do your duty and don't expect the benefit of action. Since only action is in our control and the results are not. Islam is a religion of peace and kindness, if you are kind to others it's very obvious that they will be kind to you and this way the society as a whole will be in peace.

What kind of religion is Pakistan?

Its a country not a religion.

What kind of religion does Mexico have?

Your moms religion!

Does hinduism encourage people to be kind to one another?

i have no idea :( sorry

What are the dietary restrictions for Hinduism?

Most of the Hindus are vegetarian, which is promoted in Hinduism. Certain sects of Hinduism such as Vaishnavism also restrict the eating of eggs, fungi, mushroom, and vegetables in the onion / garlic family.

What kind of religion is in United Kingdom?

people in the UK can belong to any kind of religion. your religion is influenced by the country you live in not determined by it

What kind of religion does Malaysia have?

mainly Islam religion

What kind of religion does Andorra have?

It has no official religion, but is mostly Catholic.