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Hold hands as you walk is a declarative sentence. It tells you something to do.

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  • Pass your papers to the front of the room.
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6mo ago

This is an imperative sentence. It gives a command or instruction.

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Q: What kind of sentence is this Hold hands as you walk?
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How can you help your kid walk?

Hold his/her hands and walk with him. Kids will learn how to walk by themselves however and you don't NEED to help them at all. When they're ready they will do it.

How do you break the touch barier?

Movies is a good training wheel for holding hands but you can always just hold hands and walk. Just takes a little courage.

Can you walk on your head?

No, but you can walk on your hands

What kind of training do you need to be a dog walker?

The ability to hold things and walk at the same time.

Can people really walk on there hands?

yes. I can walk on my hands very far. All you need to do is practice.

What should an 11 year old couple do on a walk on the beach?

hold hands and talk I guess you could hug but I don't think you should kiss.

Why do humans stand up right?

Humans evolved hands that are pretty unique. Our hands can make and hold tools. Humans evolved the upright walking posture so that they could hold a tool like a club or spear and walk or run (or attack an animal) at the same time.

If you just started dating when should you hold hands and iam the guy?

Ask her on a walk and then halfway through the walk be close to her and then just lightly and gently take her hand with one of ur hands and then smile at her and continue the walk. Oh ya this could lead quickly lead to a kiss----or more! Oh yeah do this about 2 weeks after you start dating.

Did people in the 1800 sometimes walk on their hands?

Yes people in the 1800's sometimes would walk on there hands. This was only for the less wealthy people. Most people did only just walk upright but yes some chose to still walk on there hands.

What are the nouns in the sentence He puts a leash on him and takes him for a walk?

The nouns in the sentence are leash and walk.