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They traveles on cramped and diseaded boats that were expensive and most people died not seeing america.

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Q: What kind of ships were used for immigrants?
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Did immigrants have to pay to get on ships?

Of course

Where do immigrants go?

thay had it

What did Irish immigrants use for transportation?


What did English Immigrants travel to America by?

English Immigrants traveled to America by sailing ships.

What kind of ships were used in the Battle of Mobile Bay?

But crack

What kind of ship did the Chinese immigrants sail on to get to America?

Sailing ships during the gold rush to California in 1849; steamships from the 1860's onward.

How do immigrants get to America today?

boats, planes, and ships

Where did immigrants sleep on the ships when coming to American colonies?

Immigrants slept on bunks that were stacked 3 high.

What kind of ship did the Jacques cartier sail on?

Jacque cartier sailed on a ship dont know what kind of ship

Which mode of transportation could immigrants use to reach the US?

They used water transportation or in other words boats.

Were steam ships used for transportation of Irish immigrants to England in 1830?

Yes, look at..F. Neal, "Liverpool, the Irish Steamship Companies & The Famine Irish", Immigrants & Minorities, 5/1 (March, 1986)

How did immigrants get tickets for ships going to Ellis Island?

They bought the tickets.