

What kind of sleep does a bat like most?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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they like to sleep hanging on something

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Q: What kind of sleep does a bat like most?
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Why does a bat sleep backwards?

They don't sleep BACKWARDS, they sleep hanging upside down from their feet. They sleep like that because they have no other way to sleep as their wings and small feet do not allow them to construct a den or nest.

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Do Bat live in groups?

Vampire bats tend to live in groups like other bat species. These animals sleep during the day and do their hunting for food at night.

Why do fruit bats sleep up side down?

fruit bats sleep upside down because all bats sleep upside down and a fruit bat is a bat

When does a greater horseshoe bat sleep?

Never. They die when they sleep. - Oh my gosh! Are you serious?! That is TOTAL rubbish!! Most nocturnal bats sleep during the day, but in general, when a bat is in its roost (a cave, tree hollow, crevice or roof (etc) it will 'sleep' to conserve energy. Bats are very interesting mammals in that when they sleep they can lower their body temperature and slow their metabolism right down (this state is called "torpor") when sleeping. Other mammals also do this to save energy. - a bat biologist

How long can a bat survive in a house?

Kind of like a cave. Probably forever.

How does a dawn bat adapted?

it goes to sleep

How many hours can a bat sleep?

they sleep for 10 hours a day they sleep for 10 hours a day