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Q: What kind of small black has 2 orange stripes on its back?
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What is the name of a small fluorescent green spider with black stripes on the back and an orange dot on its body?

a very cute spider

What colors are Siberian tigers?

Orange russet on the back, with black stripes, white on belly and face.

What is a tiger appearance?

Large, muscular body covered in thick orange or white fur with black stripes. Black ears with a white tuft of fur in the back. Long tail. Big, flatten face with a pink nose, large eyes and mouths, whiskers, and big jaws with bone- crushing teeth. Massive paws with incredibly sharp retractible claws.

What is a small crawling insect with a black body and yellow vertical stripes on back?

grass spider

What does an American Robin look like?

MALE- full black and orange belly. FEMALE-Head,back are black, neck white with black stripes, and orange belly.

What kinda beetle eats dead animals it's black with 2 orange stripes on it's back?

It's the American Burying Beatle....It also has orange on each end of it's antennas!

What is a small mammal with black stripes across back?

a pooey baby mixed with save buttons

What type of spider is brown with three orange stripes on its back?


What caterpillar is orange with white dots inside black stripes and with black spikes and horns?

the Buff-Tip Moth caterpillar has black stripes, yellow stripes, and fine white hairs or spikes coming off of it. These are generally about 2.5 inches long and eat oak, maple, elm, and hazel leaves.

What kind of spider has orange and black stripes and is shaped like a black widow?

A male black widow has orange and black stripes. Heres my description of black widows. This is about both male and female black widow spiders. It is shiny and coal black in colour. The female averages 8-10 mm's in length and has long slender legs and a round abdomen. Usually on the underside of the female's abdomen is a red hourglass mark and one or two red spots over the spinnerets and along the middle of her back. The male is 3-4 mm's long with an elongated abdomen. The male's legs are larger then the females and each joint is orange brown and black on the ends. On the sides of the male's abdomen there are 4 pairs of red and white stripes. Young black widows are orange, brown and white. They acquire their black clothing with age.

What is a red bug with black stripes?

red back spider

What kind of spider is hairy small black and had one small orange on its back not belly?

You are probably defining a false black widow.