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Q: What kind of state are people controlled by the government and any opposition is suppressed?
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Why is cloning controlled?

Cloning is controlled because of opposition by people of religion. They say that cloning is wrong, and that we should not be tampering with life.

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How did the British government try to eliminate opposition from the people who were opposed to World War 1?

What is the form of government controlled by the people?

The Representative Government

What type of government is controlled by the government giving people little choice?


When the government controls everything it is called?

When the government controls everything, It is called Command/Communism

What is the type of government not form of government?

Democratic Government Authoritarian Government • 2 or more political parties • free press • free media • free, fair, frequent elections • equal legal rights • courts free of political control • minorities respected • only one political party • government controlled press • censored media • fake elections or no elections • unequal legal rights • courts under political control • minorities often under attack - makes decisions based on the will of the people - citizens choose individuals in elections to represent them in government - tolerate opposition - other political parties - opposition and criticism are part of the system - people seen as citizens - little or no input from the people - those being governed - entirely dominated by one person (dictatorship) - don't tolerate opposition - rely on military, informers and secret police to eliminate opposition and stay in power - people seen as subjects

A government controlled by a small group of people is called a?


Many territories and people who are controlled by one government is?

An empire.

Type of government controlled by a few wealthy people?

An oligarchy is a government controlled by a small group of wealthy landowners and corporate leaders.

What are the roles of opposition parties in multipartism?

Though parlimentary governments differ from country to country, they function in more or less the same way. As the distinguished Canadian parliamentarian Stanley Knowles put it: ... the opposition should so conduct itself in Parliament as to persuade the people of the country that it could be an improvement on the government of the day. No one will deny that our system works best when there is a change of government at reasonable intervals. The role of an opposition party, Mr. Knowles noted, is to check and prod, but ultimately to replace the government party.

Is the government suppressing opposition?

No. If it was it would have arrested everyone of the people who protested this summer about the health care bill and taken away the signs or their guns. It didn't so it is suppressing opposition because that was clearly opposition.

What is the role of the opposition?

To provide an alternative government to the people at the next election and to keep the government honest and in check by debating and discussing their proposals.