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We use 100% Rayon Strings, it looks plush and rich. Polyester Strings does not look good.

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akkcurtainsand blind...

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Are you looking for string curtains in sunshine coast melbourne? Buy String Curtains at best price from Akk Curtains and Blinds for best & unique collections of curtain strings.

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How do string instruments make sound?

Different string instruments have different ways to make sound. Pianos hit the strings with a felt covered "Hammer", a Guitar creates a sound when the guitar player plucks a string. Either way, each string instrument makes sound by the vibration of the string.

How do you make a string vibrate quickly?

Shorter strings vibrate at a higher frequency than longer strings.

Why is the guitar in the strings family?

because it has STRINGS and freats.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------String instruments have strings stretched over a box or board. The violin, guitar and banjo are string instruments. Sound is made by plucking the strings. (The piano is a percussion instrument because its strings are struck.)The pitch of these instruments depends on the length, thickness and tightness of the strings. The longer the string, the fewer the vibrations and, therefore, the lower the pitch.Tight, thin strings make sounds with high tones. Loose, thick strings make lower tones.

How would you change the length of a string to create a higher pitch?

Shorten the string. Shorter strings make higher pitches (e.g. violin); longer strings make lower pitches (e.g. double bass).

How many strings are on a bass guitar?

The standard bass guitar has four strings, but five-string basses are common. The six-string bass, as used by bassists Oteil Burbridge and John Myung (of Dream Theater), is less common. Six string bass is used by Jack Bruce, but four strings is common. There can be any number of strings on a bass, but it wouldn't make sense to make one with 55 strings. There are few 9 stringers out there, which is a shame.Traditionally, it has four.

What is a guitars opening string?

That question does not make sense?? If you are refering to:"what are the 'open' strings on a guitar?..they are as follows(big string to littlest string): E-A-D-g-b-e. these are the strings going from 'closest to your chin going down toward your feet', they are considered 'open strings' when strummed with/out holding any 'frets' down..Strummed together they make the 'open chord of

What are the names of all the oil feeling guitar strings?

coated strings, they dip them in something to make the new string sound last longer.

Is the piano a string instrument?

no but it does use strings to create the notes this is my second answer can you please comment

Which type of music-instrument is a pianoforte?

Percussion and string, it has strings inside the piano and it makes sound by pressing down the key(percussion) which make a gravitate motion to make the hammer strike the inner strings(strings) .

Which type of percussion-instrument is a pianoforte?

A piano is both a percussion instrument and a string instrument. Inside a piano, tiny hammers strike strings to make pitches. It is a string instrument in that the strings are what vibrate to make the sound, but it is a percussion instrument in that it has a keyboard and strikes to make sound.

Is a five-string an acoustic guitar?

it would be a 5 string bass , but you can put piccolo strings on it to make it play like a normal acoustic.

How does a violin give a sound?

The bow makes the strings vibrate, causing the string to make sound.