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I have prostate cancer. I ran from the thought of it, runs in my family and had no symtoms. Finally, one day I had 4 beers at a pub. That night I was in torture with with my bladder not working right. Finally went and got a biopsy, yup! got cancer real good, with a psa of 23. May be getting my prosate removed soon. (It may have spread already) We shall see. I am 55 years old, it is serious business, start getting checked in your 40's, this stuff is real and it KILLS.

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Some of the symptoms that have been reported as cancer signs include, lumps which may not be painful, anal bleeding in the case of colon cancer and swelling under the armpit.

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Q: What kind of symptoms are there for cancer signs?
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What are the medical signs of cancer?

Medical Cancer signs will depend on the type of cancer. For instance breast cancer symptoms will be pain in breast, lump in breast. Lung cancer will show the symptoms like coughing, chest pain

What are the signs or symptoms of lung cancer?

signs and symptoms of lung cancer are breathing hard and coughing up blood, not being able to finish sentences, short of breath all the time and weak in general.

What kind of doctor would diagnose the symptoms of ovarian cancer in a patient?

As with all other forms of cancer, an oncologist would be the doctor or specialist that would diagnose the symptoms of ovarian cancer in a female patient. Warning signs might be found from a gynecologist during a pap smear, but an oncologist would verify the findings for cancer.

What are the most common cancer signs?

Cancer symptoms will vary depending on the type and severity of the cancer. However, there are three signs that are fairly universal. Those are fatigue, weight loss, and fever.

What are signs of having esophagel cancer?

Signs of esophageal cancer include difficulty swallowing or choking while eating, chest pain or pressure, and indigestion. More information on symptoms of esophageal cancer can be found here:

What are the most common signs of cancer?

weight loss and loss of appetite.

Where can I locate the signs and symptoms of liver cancer?

Many reputable health sites such as the Mayo Clinic offer concise articles on liver cancer. Some of the most common signs and symptoms of liver cancer include sharp pain in the right region of the abdomen, fever, abdominal swelling, and unexplained weight loss.

Why is it that in prostate exams they put finger their up you butt?

to check for enlarge tumors or any internal bleeding or signs and symptoms of cancer and possible infections. to check for enlarge tumors or any internal bleeding or signs and symptoms of cancer and possible infections. By feeling the prostate your physian can tell if there may be a problem with it. The Prostate unfortunatly can only be felt by a rectal exam.

Cancer what are the signs and symptoms?

It is very hard to list the symptoms as they all depend on where and what type of cancer it is. However, some general symptoms may include, sudden weight loss, pain or discomfort, nausea, skin rash, loss of appetite, among others.

Common Cancer Symptoms?

Cancer is often categorized as life changing and horrendous. That is why knowing common cancer symptoms is key for early detection and prevention. There are numerous resources available at local libraries, on the internet and from doctors. With all the research conducted on different types of cancer, it is best to utilize the information for a better chance at life.Knowing the right combinations of symptoms and signsCancer, as defined by, is any evil condition, or thing that spreads destructively. Along with cancer there are combinations of both symptoms and signs that are used to effectively discover the disease. Symptoms usually refer to elements of a specific condition, illness or disease, and are felt by people who experience them, while a sign is more associated with signals of irregularities in the body and is recognizable by external influences. For example, symptoms of a cold could include a runny nose and headaches along with a slew of other symptoms while signs of of a cold could include an increased temperature. As a result of this, there are many similarities. Learn about the symptoms and signs of cancer such as skin changes, fever, unexplained weight loss, pain, changes in bodily functions and more.Doctors are often the best resource about cancer symptoms and signs. Early detection is very importantKnowing about common cancer symptoms and signs can save your life. With all the resources available, detecting cancer and finding it earlier can work to your advantage in that they greatly increase your chances of getting rid of cancer. As cancer tissue is usually smaller and easier to handle at the beginning, this is the best time to eradicate it.If you suspect that you are experiencing cancer related symptoms, get a screening. Even if the tests are negative, the assurance is worth more than any price you have to pay. Cancer can result in death. With early detection and knowledge of common cancer symptoms, this could change. Not only are the chances of combating and defeating cancer increased, but the possibility of a longer life span is always there.

What are the warning signs of cervical cancer?

Unusual bleeding and pain in the pelvis are early signs of cervical cancer. You should see the doctor as soon as you experience these symptoms. for more info look at