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The more intelligent ones are sneakier about it. They may start off by saying, "You know you could have done that better, but you always do things half-assed. Why?" That statement sounds harmless because you feel the abusive partner may care if you succeed or not, but truthfully many can be jealous of the insight you may have (such as getting more education, changing careers, even raising children and the abusive mate has heard a compliment about you.) Happy and confident couples encourage each other and don't undermine their partner. Here are a few, but there are so many given different individuals:

Why don't you look like him/her? You're fat, do something about it! Why take the extra courses in college, you'll never make the grade! You're a lousy mother/father. You can't cook and I'm not eating this slop! Why can't you look like your friend? If you don't smarten up I'm leaving! No, you can't buy that? I don't like that dress on you, change into something else? I'll do the ordering! (If in a restaurant or bar.) I can always replace you! What man would want you, just look at yourself? (and you could look just fine.) If you think you can leave me remember, everything we own is mine! You'll never make it out there. You aren't smart enough to hold down that job so I wouldn't waste your time. My friends think you're a slob and a rotten wife/girlfriend. (The friends may have said nothing.)

Abusers want to take away your character and credibility. It's a way to control you. Some male abusers will even go so far as to alienate their victim from family and friends and also may take away the use of the car or make you sell your own car. I had a cousin that was married to an abusive man and he forced her to sell her car. It just got worse and it ended up where he almost succeeded in throwing her out of a 7th floor window in their apartment. After she left him (with the help of her grown son) she made the bad mistake of writing him and asking him to send the rest of her clothes and all her craft materials (she was a wonderful cross-stitcher and her work was worth a lot of money.) He complied and sent all she asked, but everything he sent her was shredded by a knife and anything breakable was broken.

Abusers need that control and if the person is fortunate to escape this hell the abuser can often become enraged and will do anything to make their victim suffer because they are angry they no longer have control over her/him.

I would like to add that men also can be abused. Most men are brought up to not hit women and don't think for a minute most women don't know this. Some women can hit, slap, throw things at their mate, use vulgar language and do physical damage that you wouldn't believe. I've known a couple in my lifetime. Men can receive black eyes, broken noses, bruising, cracked or broken bones. As a society we are brought up to realize the male as physically stronger than a woman, but what is a man to do if a woman comes at him like a deranged wounded grizzly. He doesn't want to hit her so often he'll take the abuse. Women who abuse men aren't that fussy where there are at if she decides to verbally abuse him and will often create an embarrassing situation while out at a party or visiting friends. He can't talk to his friends because he feels too embarrassed and probably his buddies would have little good advice to give him and tell him to smarten up and let her have it. The man is stuck! Things are changing and there are now programs for Abused Men.

The way to tell if a person is being slightly abused or badly abused isn't all that hard to define and a psychologist told me this: If the person you are with (husband/boyfriend/wife/girlfriend/family member or just a friend makes you feel incompetent, unhappy and guilty more often than not then it's time to move on. Even if they have not hit you, but verbally pulled you down to a point you are very unhappy and lack confidence it's time to get away from them. Reserve your energy for yourself and NEVER lose your self confidence or the lack of knowing your own strengths.

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Anything that makes you feel useless, worthless, dependent on him, ugly, fat, undesirable, etc. Any name calling or verbal threats is abuse. There's a long list. I got out of a 7 year long verbally abusive and controlling marriage 2 1/2 yrs ago. Aside from the name calling like "You're an *sshole, pr*ck, stupid, c*nt, ugly, lazy, useless, etc"...he would say things like "You're nothing without me", "You'd have nothing if it wasn't for me" to try to make me feel dependent on him (mental control and abuse). I was an at home mom and he capitalized on that (and called me lazy...HA!) I felt like I was those names he called me after a while, and i felt trapped, and terrified....I spoke to a domestic violence counselor and she was 2 1/2 years later I still deal with his nonsense to a degree (as we have kids in common, problems with him paying child support, and a divorce that's taking forever)...but it's so different now...I'm stronger, I know his words are downright ridiculous, and I just hang up on him if he starts his stuff! Now his words are just merely annoying when he gets a bug in his *ss n calls to pick a fight...but there's always my best friend CLICK! Good luck!

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Although he shouldn't be abusive it is what he hears everyday. It is probably second nature to him now. You have to remind him when he is at home that it is not appropiate or necessary for him to act this way.

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Men who are abusive generally have learned this from the environment in which they grew up. Some men have a short fuse and blast off with either verbally abusive words or they become physically abusive with their partner. Some men know deep inside it is wrong, but don't know how to get help and most men refuse to seek psychological counseling because it makes them feel weak and not masculine. If he refuses to get help then you have the power to get out of the abusive relationship.

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* The best way for an abused man to move on from a verbally abusive relationship is to seek counseling. Just like women, men may have lost their self respect; feel demeaned and ashamed (they are suppose to be the stronger sex) and he needs to find out why he stayed so long in the abusive relationship. Without proper counseling just like women, men can choose another abusive partner in the future and don't have the tools to tell when rag flags go up that the person they are with is controlling at best and the worst .. verbally or even physically abusive. Men have been brought up to not hit women, so it is very often hard for the man to make sense as to why he put up with the abuse for so long. Men can be victims of abuse too and they should not blame themselves.

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Men, because they are stronger than a women when they are a adult. It would depend on what you mean by abusive, as women can be more abusive verbally, which could result in a man getting physical. Cases where women are physically abusive, don't tend to be reported, as it is embarrassing for a man, also many believe they wouldn't be taken seriously.

Why are black men so verbally abusive?

A part of the reason is that Black men don't see their words as verbally abusive. Why? The taunts and teasing involved in "capping" or "playing the dozens" involves quick wit and the ability to talk about someone in a stinging way that is still humorous and makes others laugh. Men often play these word games with other men and they all seem fine with it. However, when those words are turned upon women and said with the intent to bring a woman down, put her in her place, or make her feel small and insignificant, its not funny anymore. I believe the larger reason Black men are verbally abusive is their ongoing struggle with self esteem and feelings of powerlessness. Striking out with name calling, put downs, and words which attack the core of Black women's pride in their accomplishments looks education achievements and sexuality give these verbally abusive men a sense of power. What they are doing is putting others down to build themselves up. Such behavior may provide a temporary sense of satisfaction as he watches her face crumble in shame or humiliation, but in reality he is merely demonstrating how poorly he feels about himself. Finally, I think it is important to note that verbally abusive men come in all sizes, shapes and colors and are not limited to Black men. The issue is though that most women tend to date men of their own ethnicity, and therefore Black women (who interact primarily with Black men) are more likely to be verbally, physically or psychologically abused by a Black man moreso than any other race of man.

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It is so sad but true. She is violent and completely unpredictable.

Can a man from non-abusive upbringing become an abuser if with a partner who grew up in an abusive home with no therapy at all?

It is highly unlikely that man who does not have an abusive personality will become an abuser if their partner grew up in an abusive home and refuses help. Good men know they should never hit a woman which in some cases can lead to male abuse by a woman. The stress of being around an abusive person be it verbally or physical abuse is bound to have effects on the non abusive partner, but most men will only take so much and have the opportunity of leaving the relationship.

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The person doing the abusing is always responsible for that abuse. Abusive people always place the responsibility on someone else, and they always will if they can get away with it. If a situation becomes physical, it's always time to leave.

Is it illegal to verbally abuse a man?

No, it is not illegal to verbally abuse a man, but if the man was smart he would leave. Verbal abuse can leave just as many scars for a victim as physical abuse. There are programs for abused men that they should attend and learn tools in order to get out of the verbally abusive situation. Example: If a wife is verbally abusing her husband and he decides to divorce her and he can prove she is verbally abusing him then the court could press charges against her (highly unlikely) but you would be granted a divorce.

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different culture. the united states used to be sexist, and still kind of is. some things are okay in India that aren't here

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