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slimy. why, have you ever experienced one? i have. still gives me nightmares. (shudder shudder)

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Q: What kind of trail does a slug leave on a floor?
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Does any insect other than a snail leave a shiny trail?

A slug leaves a shiny trail similar to a snail. This trail can be dangerous to plants, flowers, and crops.

What do slug trails look like?

clear but visibly shiny and in the light they are kind of rainbow coloured. they dont leave a perfect line either, it is sort of wonky with holes in.

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What is the diet of a firefly?

Fireflies larcas are predators and feed on earthworms, snails, and slugs. Larva can detect the slime from a slug and follow the trail to its prey.

What insect or animal leaves a shiny trail?

I think that's either a snail or a slug (it's their secreted mucus from their muscular foot)

What kind of consumer is a slug?

A primary consumer. They eat mostly plant material.

What slug to use deer hunting?

any kind will kill a deer but if you have a smooth barrel than u need smooth slugs if you have a rifled barrel you need a rifled slug

Could you show me a rifle slug and a regular slug?

rifle slug regular slug

What are all the metal slug games?

metal slug zombie revenge, metal slug flash, armored hero metal slug, amored hero metal slug 2, metal slug zombie survival, metal slug defense, metal slug death defense, metal slug rampage 3, metal slug brutal 1, metal slug brutal 2, metal slug brutal 3, aqua slug, metal slug last mission, metal slug 1+2, metal slug rampage, metal slug stick. that is all of them!

What animal has glands on each foot that leave behind an oily tar like substance everywhere it goes?

A slug? A politician?

What is the purpose of slugs?

What is the point of any lifeform? On a purely biological basis the point of slugs is the same as the point of anything else, to procreate and pass on their genes.

Is Slug A Curse Word?

No, a slug is an animal.