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LOTS!!! You have to go through years of training to even be considered. You also have to be very smart, hard worker, etc. There's glider training, arms training, air-engine training, and more.

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Q: What kind of training do you need for a military pilot?
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Continue Learning about Military History

Do you need a high school diploma to join the armed forces?

You do not need a high school diploma to join the armed forces. Upon recruitment, the armed services provide you with the training you will need to serve in the branch of the military.

Do you need 2020 vision to be a pilot in the air force?

I don't know about the other services, but the Air Force allows PRK corrective eye surgery for pilots and crews but not Lasik. It also depends on what kind of pilot you want to be. The requirement of fighter aircrafts is certainly stricter than C130 propeller cargo plane.

All military personnel are combatants?

Yes and no. All military personnel from any country are given basic training as combatants in case they need it, and on a few occasions they have needed it, but only a percentage of any military organization find themselves at "the sharp end." The rest of them do maintenance, push pencils, and load trucks, planes, ships, which allows those at "the sharp end" to have what they need to fight. * In the US military, Quakers and other conscientious objectors have abstained from combat, but they have served as medics and other non-combat personnel.

How did the us government fulfill the need for military personnel?

The US government fulfilled the need for military personnel by introducing additional Commissioned Corps personnel.

What do I need to do to get into military school?

Yes, I would look at Valley Forge Military school. They will give you the resources you need to later go back to school.

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You need to train in the military.

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Pilot experience mostly

What kind of training do you need for the military?

You do a lot of excercising and working

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Does a pilot need special training?

Yes, the pilot needs special training in being able to maintain consciousness with all the g force.

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How do I get private pilot training?

Private training can help improve or teach you many skills that you may need or desire. To find local private pilot training, ask your local airport and confer.

What training do you need in order to be a fighter pilot?

air force of course

What training does a pilot need?

For a pilot, proper training is must. He needs to learn all the basics of flying during training and also flying practice is must, under the guidance of expert flight instructor.

What experience do you need to pilot a helicopter?

Military chopper experience is a plus.

How many camps are there?

You need to specify the kind of camps: Boy Scout camps, summer camps, military training camps, concentration camps.