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Q: What kind of vegetable that produce more estrogen?
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Are boys brains different than girls?

physically no. There are chemicals produced more by boys and others produced more by girls, so chemically, there can be a difference. Testosterone and Estrogen are the most commonly known of these. Boys produce more testosterone and girls produce more estrogen, so the brain will contain more of one or the other depending on gender.

How can humans selectively breed a vegetable to produce a more desirable crop?

because they want to

Does a man create more testosterone than before taking estrogen after he quits?

When more estrogen is present in a man's body, either through natural or artificial means, the amount of testosterone he produces will be reduced. Some men begin to make more testosterone after the estrogen is reduced but some will continue to only produce the reduced amount of testosterone.

Do blackbirds mate for life?

To make more of their kind. To produce more of it's kind.

What do males develop more?

Males develop more testosterone than females. This is due to the way their bodies work. Contrarily, females produce more estrogen than males, and for a functional reason.

What hormones is only used by males?

Testosterone is vital to a man’s health. Men have estrogen too, it’s just in much smaller quantities than women, so it plays less of a role. Estrogen levels rise in men around middle age as more testosterone is converted to estrogen, so that they experience more of the estrogen-like effects such as being more emotional (‘softer’ emotionally and physically).

Have estrogen levels in birth control pills changed?

Most birth control pills already contain estrogen, and taking more isn't normally done. If your pill does not contain estrogen, there is a medical reason why your health care provider chose that one for you. Talk to your helath care provider to find out why estrogen was prescribed along with the birth control pill.

Is estrogen really bad for you?

No! Estrogen is the chemical you produce in your teenage years... I'm sure you can look up more on the internet, as your body produces it without you asking it to (if that makes sense) if it was producing too much, then it might be, but I'm not sure if there is anything that you can do about it... talk to your GP or your doctor about it if you are concerned, and want more information.

What is Clomiphene citrate 50mg used for?

Clomiphene is an agonist of the estrogen receptor. When it binds to the estrogen receptors, it doesn't produce full estrogenic activity. It reduces the chances of estrogen receptors being synthesised or recycled so it creates estrogen antagonism. The feedback of estrogen in the hypothalamus is hence inhibited. This leads to gonadotrophin being released from the anterior pituitary gland. Since more gonadotrophin-releasing hormone gets secreted, more FSH and LH will be released. Follicular development will be stimulated leading to ovulation being induced.

How and why do plants produce vegetable oil?

Plants produce vegetable oil by beta-oxidation. Since oil is more concentrated form of biological energy plants produce oil for better metabolism.

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How a male can get moor estrogen?

Unless you are trying to become a trans--gender, you shouldn't need more estrogen. but if you are, talk to your doctor. Estrogen pills are available for males.