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You can feed them all sorts: carrot, brocoli, apple, banana, cabbage, lettuce, pumpkin seed, sunflower seed (not many of these they are very fatty), peas, beans, sweetcorn, tomatoe, peppers and cucumber. Anything else... I wouldn't experiment because that might give them a stomach bug.


Another suggestion is raisins and grapes! Not too many of any fruit or veg, otherwise they will get the runs, which wont be pleasant! (not experienced this myself though) from experience, i know that (my) gerbils love grapes, raisins, pumpkin seeds and brocolli, they also enjoy sweetcorn, raw or dried. Never give them potato! this is highly poisonous! another no is rhubard!

you also can feed them pretty much any thing that is like lettuce and the top part of green onions or just some celery

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12y ago

It depends on what kind of gerbil you have because some gerbils don't eat vegetables at all and other than vegetables they eat other stuff such as hay, seeds, dry beads, and fruit. Some do eat vegetables and it depends on what they prefere. For an example some of us in the world don't like green vegetables and hen we ry and feed them to the gerbils. That is not very nice because they prefere something similar and different.

If you still would like to know your exact answer than please don't be hesitated and do ask me because I have experiences with my best freinds gerbil. You may think the top sentences may not make sence so do send me a message and I promise to reply and help you out with the gerbil question.

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12y ago



organic banana





Gerbils also like bread.

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Gerbils are omnivores. This means they eat both plant matter and animal matter. In the wild they eat nuts, roots, berries, and insects. This is why pet gerbils need a varied diet. They should be fed lad blocks, a little veggies, seeds, and a occasional meal worm.

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Can gerbils eat pieces of carrot?

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