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You can go into a Pokemon daycare/ training center and put two Pokemon of the same kind in. They have to be the same "species" and different genders (genderless Pokemon do not produce eggs). Then, if you can, talk to one of the daycare people. One of them will tell you what is happening. They might say that the Pokemon prefer playing with others, the Pokemon are getting along, of the Pokemon made an egg. then go in and get your Pokemon and new egg! (The egg hatches into whatever Pokemon made it, and hatches into the 1st evolution).

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Q: What kinds of Pokémon hatch from the Pokémon eggs and where do you find them?
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Is there a cheat for the action replay so you could hatch eggs instantly?

Yes there is a code but it doesn't make the egg hatch instantley it makes it hatch quikly. search on google to find the code.

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Will eggs hatch even without a heating pad Cause i can't find a incubator and my chicken keep on breaking the eggs and eating them . I would like to have some chicks but i dont know what to do?

Eggs will not hatch if they have not been incubated either by a hen or by an incubator. And it's not the chickens that are breaking and eating your eggs. It's snakes, rats, raccoons, opossums and other such animals. I suggest you strengthen your coups defenses or bye/make an incubator otherwise you will never have your eggs hatch out.

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A brooding hen is when a hen is raising chicks, protecting them, teaching them to find food, and hovering over them to keep them warm.

Does standing on cockroaches spread their eggs?

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