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Mostly poisonous snakes.

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Q: What kinds of animals are in the family of elapidae?
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What family does the Cobra belong to?

The king cobra belongs to the family Elapidae.

What key phrase describes coral snake?

It's a venomous snake of the family Elapidae.

What family is the black mamba part of?

It's family is the Elapidae. It's Genus is the Dendroaspis. It's species is the Dendeoaspis polylepsis.

To what family does the king cobra belong?

According to "Reptiles and Amphibians" by Mark O'Shea and Tim Halliday, it is related to the Dharaman Ratsnake. Feel free to add on whoever is reading this.

What is the Ark for?

To save noah ,his family,and two kinds of each land animals

What kinds of animals live in wetlands?

snakes, birds, frogs, insects, turtles, and alligators.Hope this was helpful.

What is the scientific name for the corba snake?

There is no snake found called corba, but there is the cobra snake. If you are looking for a scientific name, you can use Elapidae which refers to the family of snakes.

What do you mean by family?

Today the word "family" can include any group of people who feel connected. There are all kinds of families. A family can also be a groups of animals or species for classification purposes.

What kinds of animals live in hawaii?

all kinds of animals like dolphins

What is the Cobra Snakes Relatives?

Cobras are in the family Elapidae, which includes a variety of venomous snakes including mambas, tiger snakes, sea snakes, and coral snakes among others.

What is the taxonomic classification of the cobra?

Cobras are of the kingdom Animalia, phylum Chordata, class Reptilia, order Squamata, suborder Serpentes, and family Elapidae. However, the genus and species varies.

What does God say about species of animals?

God says animals & humans reproduce "kinds after kinds".