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A bearded dragon?

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Q: What kinds of animals have backbones and scales?
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Which kinds of animals have back bones and scales?

Dogs , Cats , Sheeps , Zebras

what is the name given for animals that have backbones?

Animals with backbones are known as vertibrates.

What is a molluaks?

Molluaks are animals without backbones and they range from snails and clams. There are over 60,000 different kinds of molluaks.

There are more animals that don't have backbones than there are that do have backbones?

No there is more with backbones

What is an animal have no backbones beginning with i?

invertibrates. animals WITH backbones are vertibrates.

Do animals with a backbone out number animals without a backbone?

No, there are many more animals without backbones than there are those that have backbones.

What are invertrbrates animals?

Invertebrate animals are animals with out Backbones.

What do animals without backbones eat?

Most animals without backbones, known as invertebrates, eat plants.

Are bald eagles invertebrate's?

No, they have a backbone. Vertebrates are ALL animals that have backbones. Invertebrates are ALL animals that do not have backbones.

What ten animals have backbones?

all animals

What are verebrates?

Vertebrates are animals with backbones such as fish, birds, humans, etc. Animals such as insects have no backbones and are known as invertebrates.

Are toads arthropods?

Toads are vertebrates, which are animals having backbones. Arthropods are invertebrate animals having exoskeletons and no backbones.