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Vegans do not have any protein from animals (including fish), diary (including things like whey, casein, etc...), eggs, and whatever else you can think of that has protein that involves using an animal.

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11y ago

Protein molecules are composed of amino acids, which contain nitrogen and sometimes sulphur.

Your body can synthesize most of the 21 amino acids that you need to make protein, with the exception of nine essential amino acids (histadine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine) that must come from your food.

One very important distinction between animal and plant-derived protein is that animal proteins contain very large amounts of the basic element sulfur. This sulfur is found in two of the amino acids, methionine and cysteine. Your body makes other sulfur-containing amino acids from these two primary sulfur-containing amino acids, including keto-methionine, cystine, homocysteine, cystathionine, taurine, and cysteic acid.

Meat, dairy, and eggs provide an excess of these sulfur-containing amino acids beyond your needs, which places a burden on your body and detracts from your health. Protein in the vegan diet therefore protects your health in several ways:

  • Vegetables are alkaline. They neutralize acid and prevent osteoporosis and kidney stones. Amino acids, as the name implies, are acids. The sulfur-containing amino acids, which are abundant in meat, dairy, and eggs, are the strongest acids of all, because they break down into powerful sulfuric acid. This acid must be neutralized by your body. Calcium and other minerals are released from your bones to neutralize the acids, leading to osteoporosis and kidney stones.
  • The protein in vegetables lowers the levels of homocysteine in your blood, which reduces your risk for heart attack, stroke, vascular disease and blood clots in your legs, cognitive impairment, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and depression. Your body metabolizes the abundant methionine from meat into homocysteine. The more meat in your diet, the higher your blood level of homocysteine, and the higher your risk for all those diseases.
  • The lower amount of sulfur in the amino acid profile in vegan diets lowers your risk of cancer. Sulfur feeds cancerous tumors. Normal cells can grow without high levels of methionine in your diet, whereas cancer cells, especially those that cause breast, lung, colon, kidney, skin, and brain cancers, depend on high levels of methionine being in your diet in the form of meat and dairy products. Meat and dairy products also raise the levels of a powerful growth stimulating hormone, called insulin-like growth factor - 1 (IGF-1), which promotes the growth of cancers of the breast, colon, prostate, and lung.
  • Protein from plants protects your intestines and helps prevent a life-threatening inflammatory bowel disease called ulcerative colitis. Sulfur from diet of high-methionine (animal) foods is toxic to the tissues of your intestines, even at low levels.
  • Vegetable protein prolongs life by changing the fundamental rate at which aging occurs. Restriction of methionine in their diet has prolonged the life of animals. A diet based on plant foods is inherently lower in both calories and methionine than a diet dependent on meat, dairy, and eggs, and is the easiest and most effective way to live a long and healthy life.
  • Vegetable protein makes you smell better. Methionine-rich animal protein creates foul-smelling odors. Bad breath, body odor, and flatulence that smells of rotten eggs are a direct results of the sulfur (animal protein) you eat.

Nearly all vegetables, beans, grains, nuts, and seeds contain some, and often plenty, of protein with varying amino acid profiles. Vegans who eat varied diets containing vegetables, beans, grains, nuts, and seeds rarely have any difficulty getting enough protein as long as their diet contains enough calories to maintain their weight. All the essential and nonessential amino acids are present in these foods in amounts that meet or exceed your needs, and in a ratio that is kind to your body.

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Q: What kinds of proteins are consumed by vegans?
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What types of proteins are consumed rountinely by vegans?

Vegans routinely consume plant proteins, such as those found in vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds. They also consume the protein in mushrooms, yeast, and sea vegetables.

Why should vegans eat a mixture of plant proteins?

They need to ensure that they are getting a variety of amino acids in their diets. Amino acids are proteins. Vegans eating a variety of plant foods; including grains, nuts and legumes will get all the protein they need.

How do vegans stay healthy?

Yes, if they eat correctly. The vegan diet is prone to deficiencies of some nutrients and aminoacids if a proper variety is not consumed. If a good variety of foods is consumed it is very healthy.

Do vegans live as long as meat eaters?

Vegans and meat eaters live on the same amount of essential proteins, vitamins, etc etc. Basically their lives are the same with the subtle difference of absence of meat from vegans life. Hence they both live the same average age.

How many differ kinds of monomers are in proteins?

There are 20 different kinds of monomers in proteins, called amino acids.

What is a common type of protein consumed?

All the proteins in the food is consumed. Once it enters the body it has to be digested to amino acids and not the proteins in the food directly go and attach in human cells.

Which kinds of proteins are needed for cellular activities?

enzymesOther contributors have said "What kinds of proteins are needed for most cellular activities?" is the same question as "Which kinds of proteins are needed for most cellular activities?"good job

How many proteins are there?

Proteins are molecules that feed living organisms. There are about twenty different kinds of proteins. Proteins are found in foods.

Which kinds of proteins are needed for most cellular activities?

enzymesOther contributors have said "What kinds of proteins are needed for most cellular activities?" is the same question as "Which kinds of proteins are needed for most cellular activities?"good job

Which nutrients provide energy when consumed?

Nutrients that contain calories like proteins, fats, and carbohydrates provide energy when consumed.

How many different kinds of proteins does one cell cntain?

thousands of different proteins

What kinds of dietary deficiencies can vegans get?

None. A well planed vegan diet gives all the nutrients the body needs.