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king josiah.

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Actually, a number of the kings "did what was right in God's eyes": Asa (1 Kings 15:11), Yehoshaphat (1 Kings 22:43), Yehoash (2 Kings 12:3), Amatziah (2 Kings 14:3), Azariah (2 Kings 15:3), Yotam (2 Kings 15:34), Hizkiah (2 Kings 18:3), and Josiah (2 Kings 22:2). Even at the height of the unfortunate spread of idolatry among the less-loyal Ten Tribes, there were thousands who remained loyal to God (1 Kings 19:18).

Thus, according to tradition, Josiah didn't "begin" a reform, but he did strengthen righteousness and remove any traces of dabbling in idolatry among the people.

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King Josiah of Judah began the religious reform in the kingdom by banning pagan practices, restoring true worship to the temple in Jerusalem, and rediscovering the Book of the Law (likely a form of early version of the Book of Deuteronomy). His reforms were aimed at eradicating idolatry and purifying the worship of God.

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Q: What king began a reform of religious practice in Judah banned pagan practices and returned true worship to the temple in Jerusalem?
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Who is Ezra in the Old Testament?

In the Old Testament, Ezra was a Jewish priest and scribe who played a significant role in leading the Israelites back to Jerusalem after their exile in Babylon. He is credited with reintroducing the Torah and religious practices to the returned exiles and is known for his emphasis on religious reform and obedience to God's laws.

Did Ezra build the new temple in Jerusalem?

No, Ezra did not build the new temple in Jerusalem. The temple was rebuilt by Zerubbabel, a governor of the Persian Empire, around 515 BC. Ezra was a scribe and priest who played a role in the restoration of Jewish laws and religious practices after the temple was rebuilt.

How long did Patrick's religious training last?

Patrick's religious training likely lasted around six years, from the time he was taken as a slave to the time he escaped and returned to Britain. During this time, he was taught Christian doctrine and practices by his Irish captors, which eventually influenced his decision to become a priest and missionary.

Did Daniel return with the exiles to Jerusalem?

From the time of the Exile to Babylon to the beginning of the return was roughy 86 years, so Daniel could have returned if he lived to over ninety years old, most unusual for his time. The Book of Daniel does not say that Daniel returned, but since it appears to be a second-century BCE work of fiction, a triumphal return by Daniel to Jerusalem could be written in as a sequel.

What was the Kingdom of Judah and why was it important?

The Kingdom of Judah was a historical kingdom in the Southern Levant region, established after the split of the United Monarchy of Israel. It was important because it was the political and religious center of the Israelites, home to the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem, and is deeply significant in Jewish history and religious traditions.

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What king started a reform of religious practices in Judah and returned true worship?

JudeaAnswer:King Josiah. See 2 Kings 22, 23.

Who returned Jerusalem to Muslim control?

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Who is Ezra in the Old Testament?

In the Old Testament, Ezra was a Jewish priest and scribe who played a significant role in leading the Israelites back to Jerusalem after their exile in Babylon. He is credited with reintroducing the Torah and religious practices to the returned exiles and is known for his emphasis on religious reform and obedience to God's laws.

Did Ezra build the new temple in Jerusalem?

No, Ezra did not build the new temple in Jerusalem. The temple was rebuilt by Zerubbabel, a governor of the Persian Empire, around 515 BC. Ezra was a scribe and priest who played a role in the restoration of Jewish laws and religious practices after the temple was rebuilt.

Who were the two disciples that returned to Jerusalem with Jesus?

john, james

How long did Patrick's religious training last?

Patrick's religious training likely lasted around six years, from the time he was taken as a slave to the time he escaped and returned to Britain. During this time, he was taught Christian doctrine and practices by his Irish captors, which eventually influenced his decision to become a priest and missionary.

What town did the Holy Family return to after presenting Jesus in the temple?

They returned to Nazareth after their visit to Jerusalem.

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Nehemiah.See also:More about Nehemiah

Did Daniel return with the exiles to Jerusalem?

From the time of the Exile to Babylon to the beginning of the return was roughy 86 years, so Daniel could have returned if he lived to over ninety years old, most unusual for his time. The Book of Daniel does not say that Daniel returned, but since it appears to be a second-century BCE work of fiction, a triumphal return by Daniel to Jerusalem could be written in as a sequel.