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King Midas

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Q: What king could turn things into gold?
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What could King Midas do?

he could turn objects and things to gold. however he touched his daughter and she turned to gold. he cried by a river and made it turn gold colored and the curse was lifeted

Who touched turn all to gold?

King Midas of Phrygia's touch turned things to gold.

Who was the greedy ruler of Crete with power to turn things to gold?

His name was King Midas.

Why did dionysus move out the way when king midas went to sake his hands with him?

King Midas could turn what he touched to gold.

Does king Midas' story true?

The King Midas story is obviously not true, it is not possible to turn things into gold with a touch, in real life.

Who did King Midas turn to gold?

his daughter

When king Midas touched the chair by the bed why didn't it turn to gold?

I'm not sure what would make you think it didn't. Remember that in story telling, some things are assumed. Once it was established that everything he touched turned to gold, you don't need to keep saying that the things he touched turn to gold. It can be assumed.

How could midas turn things into gold?

The story is a myth, since there is no evidence that any human has been able to turn things into gold in the way that Midas was supposed to. The story illustrates that money or riches do not on their own bring happiness.

Who tried to turn everything into gold?

king midas

Why Alchemists were not successful to turn metal into gold?

Alchemists could not turn metal into gold because gold is an element.

What turn things into gold?

This was the question that Alchemists used to ask. They were looking for the secret of eternal life but also pondered on how to turn one thing into another, lead into gold for instance. It is said that the mythical Philosopher's Stone could do this.

What was king Midas's wish?

Every thing he touch would turn into gold.