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The kingdom fungi has organisms with cell walls made of chitin (the substance that makes up insect exoskeletons).

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Q: What kingdom comprises of organisms with cell walls that has the same substance as that of the outer bodies of insects?
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Is fungi an insect?

No. Fungi are their own kingdom of organisms separate from plants and animals. Insects are animals.

What group of organisms do insectcs blong to?

insects belong to the animal kingdom because most have brains and all move and can eat other organisms. in the animal kingdom they belong to the invertebrate family (it means withought a spine.

What does kingdom protista comprises?

Your mother.

What are 5 Taxonomy Classifications of Protista Kingdom?

The five main classifications of Protista Kingdom are:Chromalveolata - Presence of cellulose and chloroplasts.Excavata - Organisms that lack classical mitochondria.Rhizaria- Mostly consists of amoeboid organisms.Archaeplastida- Comprises of red, green algae.Unikonta- Organisms with a single flagellum or no flagellum at all.

Where are insects kingdom?

In taxonomy, the insects are in kingdom metazoa or animalia (the animals).

Which of the five kingdoms does the grasshopper belong to?

Grasshoppers are insects, and all insects belong to the taxonomic domain of Eukarya, members of which are characterised by having cells with nuclei. Insects come under the Kingdom Animalia. Eukarya covers all organisms in the Kingdom Animalia, as well as the Kingdoms Plantae, Fungi and Protista.

What are representative organisms of the Kingdom Animalia?

Representative organisms of the Kingdom Animalia include mammals (such as dogs, cats, and humans), birds (such as eagles and sparrows), insects (such as butterflies and ants), reptiles (such as snakes and turtles), and fish (such as goldfish and sharks). These organisms exhibit characteristics such as multicellularity, heterotrophic nutrition, and the absence of cell walls.

Kingdom containing organisms that eat other organisms?

yes all organisms eat organisms * Animal kingdom.

Which classification group contains the greatest number of different types of organisms?

Insects and their relatives have the largest number of species, a total of 875,000.

The smallest organisms are found in what kingdom?

The smallest organisms are found in Kingdom Monera or the Moneran Kingdom.

What countries make United Kingdom?

The United Kingdom comprises England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Are butterflies a bird?

They are insects, which are in the kingdom Animalia.