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The fungi kingdom contains non-photosynthetic multicellular organisms that digest their food externally. Examples of fungi are yeasts, smuts, molds and mushrooms

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Q: What kingdom contains multicellular organisms that do not make their own food?
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What kingdom includes complex multicellular organisms that obtain food by breaking down other substances in their surroundings?

Kingdom Animalia contains multicellular organisms that ingest their food.

What contains multicellular organisms that ingest their food?

The Animalia kingdom has multicellular organisms that ingest their food. This kingdom includes everything from mollusks to spiders.

What does the modern group designated as the Animal kingdom typically contain?

The modern group designated as the animal kingdom typically contains multicellular organisms that pursue and ingest other organisms. They usually cannot make their own food.

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What Kingdom contains organisms that make their own food and organisms that obtain food from the environment?

Plant kingdom

Most organisms in this kingdom are multicellular organisms that obtain food by breaking down decaying material?

I belive it is fungi kingdom , sorry if im wrong

What kingdom is of a kingdom?

Kingdom Plantae contains plants. These are multicellular eukaryotes that undergo photosynthesis to respirate and make food. They are immobile and have cellulose walls.

Which kingdom contains multicellular heterotrophs with cell walls?

Kingdom Animalia is the kingdom you're looking for - it is inside the domain Eukaryota, meaning the organisms within it are eukaryotic; all organisms are multicellular; and no organism inside the kingdom can fix carbon.

Multicellular eukaryotes that are usually mobile and obtain food from other organisms probably belong to which kingdom?

They are probably animals.

What is a kingdom of plantae?

Kingdom Plantae contains plants. These are multicellular eukaryotes that undergo photosynthesis to respirate and make food. They are immobile and have cellulose walls.

Describe two differences between organisms in kingdom animalia and kingdom fungi?

Organisms in kingdom Animalia are multicellular and heterotrophic, meaning they rely on consuming other organisms for nutrients. On the other hand, organisms in kingdom Fungi are mostly multicellular (except for yeasts) and obtain nutrients through absorption, breaking down organic matter externally before absorbing it.

Is plantae single celled?

The plantae kingdom refers to organisms that are multicellular, and make their own food (by photosynthesis) sources --> own notes