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Kingdom Protista

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Chaz Stroman

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Q: What kingdom do paramecium and euglena belong to?
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Kingdoms that includes the paramecium and euglena?

The paramecium and euglena belong to the Kingdom Protista. This kingdom is composed of single-celled organisms that have characteristics of both plants and animals. Protists are primarily aquatic and can be found in various freshwater and marine environments.

What kingdom euglena belong to?

Euglena belongs to the Kingdom: Protista Phylum: Euglenophyta

What animal has one cell?

1) Living things with only one cell are called unicellular organisms. 2) Examples of unicellular organisms are yeast, Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena and Chlamydomonas. They are also known as unicellular microorganisms because of their tiny size. 3) Amoeba and Paramecium belong to the animal kingdom. 4) Chlamydomonas, Euglena and Pleurococcus belong to the plant kingdom. (Taken from Success Science PMR -Oxford Fajar)

Why does euglena belong to the kingdom?

bcoz euglena are unicellular organism .all euglena are chloroplast and can make their own foodby photosynthesis.

Which organism carries autotropic nutrition?

ameba, paramecium, euglena, volvox, and spirogyra. Basically anything in the protist kingdom.

What phylum in kingdom protista does Euglena belong to?

Euglena belongs to the phylum Euglenozoa in the kingdom Protista.

Examples of protista kingdom?

Some members of the kingdom Protista are the amoeba, paramecium, euglena, rotifers.

Are euglena and paramecium related and if so how?

They are both single celled protists, but Euglena is of Euglenozoa phylum, which has flagella, and Paramecium are cillates with cilia for motility.

What kingdom that includes amoeba and paramecium?

paramecium and amoebas belong to protista kingdom because they both are protists.

What group does paramecium belong to?

It is a group of ciliate protozoa, and it belongs to the Kingdom Protista

Kingom that includes the paramecium and euglena?


Are types of protozoa?

Amoeba, paramecium, and euglena