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Q: What labor union participated in the sit down strike?
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What labor union used the collective bargaining tactic?

The American Autoworkers popularized collective bargaining. It started with a sit-down strike at the Flint, Michigan, General Motors plant.

What members participated in the sit down strike until General Motors agreed to recognized them?

The United Automobile Workers (UAW).

What is the process in which employees negotiate with labor unions about hours wages and other working conditions?

sit down strike

What term is the process in which employees negotiate with labor unions about hours wages and other working conditions?

Sit down strike

What were the effects of knights of labor 1869?

The Knights of Labor showed how powerful a labor organization could be by literally shutting down the country's railway system when the union called for a strike. The Knights was the first labor organization to represent laborers, rather than just craftsmen. It also promoted a progressive membership which included women and African Americans. It was also the first labor organization that used politics effectively, including sharing in the formation of the Greenback Party.

Why was most fighting done in the south?

Because the Union had to invade the South and destroy the Confederate armies in order to strike down the secession.

Which of the these is a weapon used by labor unions when negotiations with business owners fail?

1. Collective bargaining: In this method, representatives of the union and employees will meet to negotiate or deliberate on issues affecting the workers. 2. Work to rule: This involves the slowing down of rate of work by the worker. They will come to work but the rate of work will be slowed down by the workers. 3. Picket lines: This involves the workers staying at the entrance of the factory and refusing to work. 4. Threat to strike: The workers' union gives ultimatum to the employer that they will embark on strike if their demands are not met on time. 5. Strike: The workers will stay away completely from work. This is the ultimate weapon and sincerely will greatly affect the labor and hence production

Against which industry did the congress of industrial organizations' (CIO's) newly formed union stage a successful sit-down strike in 1936?

The industry that congress staged a successful sit down strike of was the National Rife Association (NRA). This sit down occurred in 1936.

How did the sit-down strike by the united automobile workers union produce change at General motors?

A UAW members refused to leave a GM plant until the company agreed to recongnize the union

The counsel urged the court to strike down the obnoxious law?

strike down

What is a virtual strike?

In the world of labor relations, a strike is a useful tool for labor to signal to the company that the union can accept some pain (in the form of lost wages) for longer than the company can lose profits. This is done to achieve some sort of concession like wage or not having children work longer than 12 hours a day. One of the tricks with striking is giving the impression that you could continue striking for another day or week but at the same time not posturing that you will never go back to work, which is not credible. Usually one side backs down when the costs of the strike get close to their best alternative to negotiated agreement.

What was the result of a sit down strike at an important general motors plant in flint Michigan in the mid 1930s?

General Motors recognized the united automobile workers union