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Q: What land did the wardrobe in lion the witch the wardrobe reach through to?
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How is the land of Narnia discovered in 'The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe'?

Through the wardrobe, which was originally a hiding spot for the youngest sibling.

Where did the wardrobe lead to in the lion the witch and wardrobe?

To a land called "Narnia."

What are 2 events in Narnia?

Two events in Narnia are the arrival of the Pevensie siblings in the magical land through the wardrobe in "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe," and the battle against the White Witch's forces to restore peace in Narnia.

Where did C.S.Lewis' wardrobe lead to?

C.S. Lewis' wardrobe in "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" leads to the magical land of Narnia.

Who is the girl from the lion the witch and the wardrobe?

The girl from "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" is Lucy Pevensie. She is one of the four siblings who discover the magical land of Narnia through a wardrobe in a professor's house. Lucy is known for her kindness, bravery, and strong connection to Aslan, the lion.

What is the setting of 'The Chronicles of Narnia The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe'?

The setting for the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe is an old manor house in the English country side during World War II, when children were evacuated from the cities. The children in the story go through a wardrobe in an empty room and come out in the fantasy world of Narnia.

What is the rising action in ''The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe''?

The rising action in "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" occurs when the Pevensie siblings discover the magical land of Narnia through the wardrobe and begin to learn about its inhabitants and the conflict between the White Witch and Aslan the lion. As they become more involved in Narnia, they uncover the prophecy about the four thrones and the impending battle for the freedom of Narnia.

In which book does a witch cause it to be always winter in the land?

the answer is the lion the with and the wardrobe by c.s lewis

What is the name of the magical land found in the lion the witch and the wardobe?

In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the White Witch has no other name. However, if one then reads the book that explains how Narnia came to be, The Magician's Nephew, it is revealed that she is Jadis of the dying world of Charn.

What are the 4 main charictars in the loin the which and the wardwrobe?

The four main characters in "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" are Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie. They are the four siblings who discover the magical land of Narnia through a wardrobe in a professor's house and become central figures in the fight against the White Witch's tyranny.

What is the time period in The lion the Witch and The Wardrobe?

The time period in "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" is during World War II, specifically the Blitz bombings in London. The story takes place in both the real world and the magical land of Narnia.

In C.S. Lewis's the Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe who is the maker of the Wardrobe or where did the Wardrobe come from as in the origins of the creation of the Wardrobe?

In C.S. Lewis's "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe," the wardrobe was created from the wood of a magical tree in the land of Narnia. The wardrobe was made by the professor in whose house the children find it, but its origins and magical properties are linked to Narnia itself.